Question : National Dialysis Programme

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has taken/ proposed to take any steps to spread awareness among the public about chronic kidney disease and also to increase availability of the number of dialysis
machines in Government hospitals and dialysis centres for poor patients across the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the number of district hospitals of the country wherein free of cost treatment facility is being provided under the National Dialysis Programme;

(c) the details of schemes formulated for the inaccessible, bordering, backward districts of Himalayan States including Uttarakhand and other remote naxal infested areas; and

(d) the details of funds utilised and allocated under such schemes as on date including the target fixed for future?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Public health being a State subject, the primary responsibility of spreading awareness among the public about various health conditions including chronic kidney disease and to increase availability of the number of dialysis machines in Government hospitals and dialysis centres is that of respective State/ UT governments.

However under National Health Mission (NHM) technical and financial support is being provided to States/ UTs for strengthening of their health care systems, including support for spreading awareness about chronic kidney disease and also to increase availability of the number of dialysis machines in Government hospitals and dialysis centres for poor patientsbased on the proposals submitted by them in their Programme Implementation Plans under NHM.

Under NHM, the Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Programme (PMNDP) was rolled out in 2016. Detailed guidelines for the PMNDP are available at URL -

As on date, approval has been provided for proposals received from States for provision of dialysis facility in 519 district hospitals.

(c) & (d): Public Health is a State subject, the primary responsibility to provide quality health care services to the people including in rural, naxal and hilly areas lies with State/UT Governments. To supplement the efforts of State Governments for improving the healthcare services, throughout the country including in inaccessible, bordering, backward, remote naxal area etc. National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched in 2005. NRHM has been subsumed as a Sub Mission of the overarching National Health Mission (NHM) with the National Urban Health Mission as the other Sub Mission.

Under NHM, support is provided to States/UTs to strengthen their health systems including for setting up/upgrading public health facilities, augmenting health human resource on contractual basis, drugs and equipment, diagnostics, Ambulances, Mobile Medical Units etc for provision of equitable, affordable healthcare to all its citizens particularly the poor and vulnerable population including population in hill and naxal areas based on requirements posed by the States in their Programme Implementation Plans.

Under NHM, all LWE affected districts, whose composite health index is below State average have been categorized as High Priority Districts (HPD) and all LWE districts that are not HPDs have been designated as Special Focus Districts (SFDs). These districts receive more resources per capita under the NHM as compared to the rest of the districts in the State. These districts also receive focused attention and supportive supervision. Norms for infrastructure, Human resource, ASHAs, MMUs etc. under NHM are relaxed for hilly areas. Allocation and Expenditure under the NHM for last three years is given at Annexure.

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