Question : Swachh Vidyalaya Programme

(a) whether Swachh Vidyalaya Programme (SVP) has been able to achieve the objective for which it was launched and if so, details thereof;
(b) the challenges faced by the Government while implementing the said programme;
(c) whether the Government has reviewed the progress of the SVP and if so, the details of current status of construction of toilets in all schools;
(d) whether toilets are being constructed by States, PSUs, as well as some private sector entities and if so, details thereof;
(e) whether the Government has formulated any mechanism to monitor that the toilets made specially for girls under the said programme are functional through out and if so, the details thereof and if not, reasons therefor; and
(f) the special steps taken by Government to remove the obstacles and achieving the target within the scheduled time frame keeping in view implementation of said programme?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (f) In response to the announcement made by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 15 August, 2014, the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education had launched Swachh Vidyalaya initiative (SVI) to provide separate toilets for girls and boys in all Government schools, within one year. Under the initiative, the gaps in availability of toilets was addressed and construction/re-construction of 4,17,796 toilets, including 1.91 lakh girls’ toilets, was completed in 2,61,400 Government elementary and secondary schools, as reported by the States and UTs. State/UT-wise details of school toilets constructed/re-constructed under Swachh Bharat: Swachh Vidyalaya initiative (SVI) are at Annexure-I.
State/UT-wise details of total number of toilets constructed/ re-constructed by the Central Public Sector Undertakings and Private Corporates in Government elementary and secondary schools under Swachh Vidyalaya initiative are at Anneuxre-II.
The primary responsibility of maintenance of school toilets lies with the concerned State Government and UT Administration. The Ministry of Education has repeatedly requested the States/UTs to ensure maintenance and functionality of toilets constructed in schools, and to also take steps to bring about behavioural changes among students and teachers through an intensive awareness campaign to ensure that the toilets are properly used and kept neat and clean. Recently, the Department of School Education & Literacy has again requested the States/UTs, on 12th November 2020, for ensuring water supply in toilets, hand-washing area and drinking water facilities in all Government schools.
The Ministry had requested the CPSEs who participated in the SVI, to maintain the toilets constructed/reconstructed by them for at least five years. Further, this Ministry has requested their administrative Ministries/Departments on 3rd November, 2020 for maintenance of school toilets constructed/reconstructed by the CPSEs under the SVI, for at least next five years.
Education is in the concurrent list of the Constitution and most of the schools are under the jurisdiction of concerned States & UTs. State and UT Governments are the appropriate Governments under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, and have the responsibility and mandate to provide school infrastructure including drinking water and toilet facilities in schools in accordance with the norms laid down in the Schedule to the RTE Act, 2009 and as per respective State RTE Rules. States and UTs have been repeatedly advised to ensure that all the schools, including those under the non-Government sector (private, aided schools, etc.) in their jurisdiction should have provision for separate toilets for boys and girls; and safe and adequate drinking water facilities for all children.
The Department of School Education and Literacy has launched an Integrated Centrally Sponsored Scheme for School Education – Samagra Shiksha w.e.f. 2018-19. Under Samagra Shiksha, States and UTs are supported for strengthening of existing Government schools, and for creation and augmentation of infrastructure facilities including drinking water and toilets as per proposals received from respective State/UT based on the identified gaps. The scheme also provides for an annual recurring composite school grant varying up to Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum depending upon the number of students, for all government schools, out of which at least 10% is to be spent on activities related to the Swachhata Action Plan (SAP) for hygiene and sanitation. Release of funds for SAP Component under Samagra Shiksha for the years 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 are given below:

Year Amount (Rs. in Lakh)
2018-19 20052.4468
2019-20 22400.9500
2020-21 22924.5575

Every year, Annual Work Plan & Budget (AWP&B) under Samagra Shiksha is prepared by the respective States and UTs based on their requirements and priorities for various interventions including strengthening of the school infrastructure. These plans/estimates are appraised and approved by the Project Approval Board in Ministry of Education as per the programmatic and financial norms of the scheme, availability of budgetary resources and physical & financial progress, in consultation with the respective States/UTs.
Under Samagra Shiksha till now, construction of 4.50 lakh Boys’ toilets, 5.70 lakh separate girls’ toilets and 1.61 lakh toilets for Children with Special Needs (CwSN) have been sanctioned to the States/UTs for elementary and secondary schools. Out of which, States/UTs have reported construction of 4.17 lakh Boys’ toilets, 5.48 lakh separate girls’ toilets and 1.35 lakh toilets for CwSN, till 31.12.2021.
Further, Ministry of Education (Department of School Education & Literacy), Ministry of Panchayati Raj and Ministry of Jal Shakti had jointly requested the States, in April 2016, regarding participation and support of Gram Panchayats for proper arrangements for regular cleaning of toilets and waste disposal in schools.
Ministry of Education (Department of School Education & Literacy) and Ministry of Panchayati Raj had further jointly requested the States/UTs on 16th April 2021 to utilize the funds under the various schemes and programs, including the 15th Finance Commission for maintenance of school buildings, inter-alia for regular daily sanitation of schools, cleaning of school toilets and proper arrangement in schools for hand-wash etc.


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