Question : Ayurveda Medical College

(a) the details and number of Ayurveda College presently functional in the country, State-wise including Maharastra;
(b) whether the Government is contemplating to setting up new Ayurveda Colleges and if so, details thereof, State-wise;
(c) the details of the norms for setting up new Government and Private Ayurveda Medical College and the type of financial assistance provided by the Government to establish the new Ayurveda College;
(d) whether there are different norms for Government and Private Ayurveda Medical Colleges and if so, the details thereof;
(e) whether laboratories have been set up to test the classical properties of Ayurveda medicines with modern methods and if so, details thereof, location-wise; and
(f) if not, whether there is a provision to set up new laboratories for research and if so, details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a):The details and number of Ayurveda Colleges presently functional in the country, State-wise including Maharashtra is furnished at Annexure-I.
(b):As Public Health being a State subject, setting up new Ayurveda Colleges comes under the purview of respective State/UT Governments. However, the Ministry of Ayushis implementing the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of the National Ayush Mission (NAM) in the country through States/UTs for the promotion and development of Ayush systems. Under NAM, total 11 New Ayush Educational Institutions in different States/UTs have been assisted as per the proposals submitted by States/UTs through their respective State Annual Action Plans (SAAPs). The details are furnished at Annexure – II.
Apart from above, the following two satellite Institutes of existing National Institutes are being set up:
S.No Existing Institutes Satellite Institutes
1 National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur National Institute of Ayurveda, Panchkula
2 All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi All India Institute of Ayurveda, Goa

Also one Avurveda College with intake capacity of 30 Students is setup at North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Folk Medicine Research (NEIAFMR), Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh.
(c):Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (IMCC Act, 1970) has been repealed and replaced with National Commission for Indian System of MedicineAct, 2020 (NCISM Act, 2020) and all the provisions of NCISM Act, 2020 has come into force with effect from 11th June,2021.
Gazette notification is available at

Further, as per Regulation 59 (2) of NCISM Act, 2020, medical standards, requirements and other provisions of the IMCC Act, 1970 and the rules and regulations made thereunder shall continue to be in force and operate till new standards or requirements are specified under this Act or the rules and regulations made thereunder. Therefore, Establishment of New Medical College, Opening of New or Higher Course of Study or Training and Increase of Admission Capacity by a Medical College Regulations, 2019 shall applicable for setting up new Government, Non-Government Ayurveda Colleges. Gazette notification is available at
Under NAM, there is provision of financial assistance for establishment of new Ayush colleges in the States where availability of Ayush teaching institutions is inadequate in Government Sector. Accordingly, State/UT Governments may avail financial assistance for establishment of new Ayush colleges by submitting suitable proposal through SAAPs as per the provision of NAM guidelines.
(d): There is no basic difference in the norms, except under regulation 6-(1)(i); 2(i) & 3(i) of Central Council of Indian Medicine Notification, New Delhi, the 18th June, 2019.The gazette notification is available at
Similarly, there is no basic difference in the norms, except under section 29(1) of The NCISM Act, 2020. The gazette notification is available at
(e) &(f):Under the Quality Control Scheme, the Government have strengthened 27 State Government Drug Testing Laboratories for testing of Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy medicines in the country. Under rule 160A to 160J of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945, 65 private Drug Testing Laboratories of all over India are approved for testing of Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani drugs. List of Approved Ayurveda, Siddha &Unani Drug Testing Laboratories Under Rule 160 A to 160 J of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rule, 1945 is available at
One Central Drug Laboratory of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy has been established under Pharmacopoeia Commission for Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy for the purpose of testing or analysis of Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani and Homoeopathy (ASU & H) Drugs. Through the new Central Sector Scheme for augmenting Quality of Ayush Drugs namely AyushOushadhiGunvattaEvamUttpadanSamvardhanYojana (AOGUSY), Government is providing grants for upgrading and strengthening of Government ASU&H Drug Testing Laboratories and Research Councils Laboratories.


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