(a) whether some States have failed to lift their quota of foodgrains and kerosene allocated under the Public Distribution System (PDS)/Welfare Scheme;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether there are complaints of delay and inadequate supply of foodgrains to some States including Arunachal Pradesh; and

(d) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor alongwith the steps taken by the Government to ensure timely and adequate supply of foodgrains to the State?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): Yes, Madam. However, the overall offtake against normal allocation of foodgrains under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) has been 91.6% during April-September, 2011. The Statewise allocation and offtake of foodgrains during 2011-12(upto September, 2011) under TPDS is at Annex-I. Statewise allocation and offtake of foodgrains under other welfare schemes (OWS) during 2011-12(upto September 2011) is at Annex-II. The Statewise lapsed quota of kerosene during 2010-11 for which data is available is at Annex–III.

Lower offtake under these schemes in some States/Union Territories may be due to lower demand from the beneficiaries, lower placement of stocks by Food Corporation of India (FCI), State’s inability to lift the allocated foodgrains/kerosene, among others. There have been representations from some States/UTs particularly from North Eastern States regarding delay in release of allocated foodgrains due to short placement of stocks in FCI depots. FCI has been facing problems in timely movement of foodgrains to these States on account of inadequate placement of rail rakes.

Several measures have been taken to increase and improve the offtake of allocations made under TPDS.The annual allocations of foodgrains are made to States/UTs at the beginning of the year. States/ UTs are allowed to lift allocated foodgrains in advance. Requests from States/ UTs for extension of validity period are also considered expeditiously. The issue of providing adequate rail rakes has also been taken up with Railways from time to time.

Government of India has also been regularly reviewing the implementation of TPDS functioning including lifting of foodgrains by States/UTs by holding Conferences, review meetings and issuing advisories to States/ UTs.