Question : Control of Air and Dust pollution

(a) whether the Commission for Air Quality Management has directed the Central Pollution Control Board and the State Pollution Control Boards to constitute special teams and launch inspection drives in order to monitor and mitigate dust and corresponding air pollution;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the States which have constituted such special teams and conducted inspections;
(c) the details of the agencies/sites found to be violating Rules/Guidelines and other dust mitigation measures as stipulated by the Government and the CPC Board; and
(d) whether the Government has taken any action to check recurrence of such violations by these agencies and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) The Commission for Air Quality Management directed the Central Pollution Control Board, the State pollution Control Boards of Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi Pollution Control Committee to constitute special team and launch inspection drives to monitor the premises, processes and transportation of materials related to construction and demolition (C & D) activities in the NCR.

(b) & (c) Intensive drives were conducted by these agencies from 24.12.2020 to 31.12.2020 by constituting about 227 teams on the directions of the Commission. The progress of inspection of C&D sites for compliance of dust control measures by CPCB/SPCBs and DPCC was also reviewed by the sub-committee on “Safeguarding and Enforcement” in its meeting held on 8th January, 2021 and directed that inspections be intensified with strict actions, including levying deterrent environmental compensation charges and the fortnightly reports be timely submitted. The Commission has also issued direction to invoke the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) already notified by the Central Government (Annexure-I).

(c) & (d) These teams carried out surprise checks and inspections at more than 5,725 C&D sites of which about 836 sites were found to be non-compliant with various C&D Waste Management Rules / Guidelines and dust mitigation measures stipulated by the Ministry and CPCB. Further, an amount of approx. Rs.2.56 crore was levied as environment compensation charge against the defaulting agencies, besides orders for stoppage of work at 84 locations. The compliance with respect to transportation of materials related to C&D activities was also seen by the inspecting teams. About 1,176 vehicles, not in conformance with guidelines related to transportation of C&D materials, were levied environment compensation charges totaling approximately Rs. 1.67 crore. It may also be noted that such fortnightly drives are being continued to enforce compliance of the C&D waste management Rules and related guidelines to abate dust pollution from C&D sector, which contributes significantly to poor air quality in the region.


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