Question : Funds for Renewable Energy Projects

(a) the details of schemes of new and renewable energy projects and funds earmarked in current financial year in the country, State-wise including Jharkhand;

(b) whether the Government has utilised the earmarked funds for the development of renewable energy projects in the country during each of the last two years;

(c) if so, the details of the implementation of the schemes completed or being completed and the details of funds sanctioned and utilised, scheme-wise and State-wise; and

(d) the details of funds sanctioned to States, particularly to Jharkhand for the renewable energy projects and development of infrastructure?

Answer given by the minister


(a) State-wise funds are not earmarked although scheme-wise funds are allocated against the budget received during the year. Scheme-wise funds allocation during current financial year (2018-19) for the implementation of the various renewable energy schemes in the country including the state of Jharkhand is given in the Annexure-I.

(b) to (d) Funds allocated and released as Central Financial Assistance for the development of renewable energy projects in the country including the state of Jharkhand during each of the last two years are given below:
(Rs in crore)
Year BE RE Expenditure
2016-17 5000 4307 3871.32
2017-18 5472.84 4080 3768.73
State-wise and scheme-wise Central Financial Assistance (CFA) released and utilized for the development of renewable energy programmes during 2016-17 and 2017-18 is given in Annexure-II. The state-wise progress of the implementation of Grid Connected Renewable Energy programmes and Off-grid programmes in the country is given in Annexure-III and IV respectively.

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