(a) Whether the post of President of Panchayat reserved for Dalit woman has allegedly been auctioned for a price in Tamil Nadu as reported in Sunday Express (Delhi Edition) dated November 19, 2006;

(b) if so, the facts of the matter reported therein;

(c) if so, the reaction of the Union Government thereto;

(d) whether Union Government has received similar complaints from other parts of the country;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) the action taken or proposed to be taken by the Union Government in this regard ?

Answer given by the minister


(a): It has been reported in the Indian Express dated 19th November 2006 that a Dalit Woman Panchayat President was auctioned for a price in Tamil Nadu village Kodikulam of Madurai District.

(b) to (f): The Ministry of Panchayati Raj sought a report from the Government of Tamil Nadu on the said news report. The Government of Tamil Nadu have informed the Ministry that during the recently concluded elections on 15th October 2006, Smt. V.Balamani won the election and assumed charge as President of Kodikulam Panchayat. Out of the 9 Ward members to be elected, only 3 nominations were received for the post of Panchayat Ward Members and they were elected un-opposed. Election for the remaining 6 members are to be held during the next round of elections, the dates for which are to be announced by the State Election Commission. However, it was reported in some of the newspapers that a village of Kodikulam Panchayat held a meeting on 18th November 2006 to unanimously decide the candidates to be fielded for the 6 vacant posts of Panchayat Ward Members. The inquiry made by the Revenue and Police authorities revealed that the suggestion made by that village were not agreed to by the members of the other hamlet of the Kodikulam Grama Panchayat. The district authorities advised the village Panchayat to follow the established democratic norm for the election of the remaining 6 members. The state Government have reported that the district authorities are closely monitoring further development at the Kodikulam village Panchayat.