(a) the details of the central assistance provided under various National Health Programmes such as control of Malaria, TB, Blindness, Leprosy, AIDS, Cancer and Family Welfare Programmes during last three years, State-wise;

(b) whether the Union Government have released its share for the current year for these programmes;

(c) if so, the details thereof, State-wise/Union Territory-wise; and

(d) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d) Statements showing the details of Central assistance provided to the States/UTs in respect of major Health & Family Welfare Programmes during 1997-98 to 2000-2001 are at Annexure-I. Barring Cancer, the various disease control programmes are being implemented as Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Under Cancer Control Programme, Central assistance is provided mainly to Regional Cancer Centres and identified medical colleges/institutions in various States.



( lakhs )

States/UTs 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000
Allocation Exp. Allocation Exp. Allocation Exp.
1.Andhra Pradesh 779.03 617.00 464.91 482.93 322.86 663.50

2.Arunchal Pradesh 258.74 297.50 270.42 186.61 303.27 229.22

3.Assam 2207.29 2618.00 2435.18 2170.42 2267.01 2616.73

4.Bihar 588.52 348.98 508.90 403.05 481.35 578.66

5.Goa 10.26 5.18 21.72 7.72 10.93 4.54 6.Gujarat 684.25 726.17 998.62 611.11 489.04 349.95

7Haryana 448.17 291.08 293.13 260.39 259.03 160.95

8.HimachaL Pradesh 112.06 90.84 62.33 51.77 46.11 92.45

9.J&K 92.78 78.62 48.55 72.57 52.73 103.40 10.Karnataka 542.97 568.62 494.50 264.47 602.66 229.29 11.Kerala 86.30 63.60 122.58 102.73 117.72 49.63 12.Madhya Pradesh 1115.47 1072.77 335.81 454.49 893.40 443.28 13.Maharashtra 913.05 1028.44 680.47 260.26 282.97 181.51 14.Manipur 324.52 273.91 435.75 377.34 403.05 219.53 15.Meghalaya 239.15 196.96 261.44 231.55 306.70 212.27 16.Mizoram 195.47 132.00 286.17 172.53 309.56 190.05 17.Nagaland 193.37 212.62 192.53 183.34 240.83 308.33 18.Orissa 421.84 233.43 392.47 385.14 329.67 436.17 19.Punjab 356.58 183.26 437.50 290.67 288.96 148.45 20.Rajasthan 1449.38 1799.74 2015.38 1994.15 1146.16 1075.71 21.Sikkim 0.94 1.77 10.06 8.47 11.65 7.90 22.TamilNadu 427.25 204.88 268.29 240.72 392.31 114.19 23.Tripura 322.71 414.05 413.64 356.97 375.89 379.31 24.Uttar Pradesh 881.62 505.73 825.01 1121.92 622.18 527.80 25.West Bengal 465.28 125.71 454.92 330.90 296.26 501.99 26.Delhi 49.16 93.93 69.56 37.21 75.40 20.10 27.Pondicherry 7.72 48.53 11.08 6.15 10.32 11.28 28.A&N Islands 126.19 24.75 99.44 155.68 116.46 111.28 29.Chandigarh 23.81 12.37 43.15 44.30 47.25 34.55 30.D & N Haveli 76.42 66.04 24.93 24.90 25.94 34.85 31.Daman & Diu 34.15 3.48 15.80 10.08 16.42 12.97 32.Lakshadweep 12.55 12.48 4.96 5.24 5.81 5.82
Total:- 13447.00 12352.34 12999.20 11305.48 11210.00 10055.84
Kala-azar 1000.00 970.73 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 EStt/Research/ 553.00 513.76 700.80 571.10 694.00 541.35 Publicity EAC 5000.00 414.00 15000.00 3517.39 12000.00 6064.95 NDCP - - - - 100.00 -
Grand Total:- 20000.00 14250.83 29700.00 16393.97 25000.00 17662.14
KALA-AZAR ( lakhs )
1.Andhra Pradesh 259.39 90.38 349.17

2.Arunchal Pradesh 185.31 - 185.31

3.Assam 1156.53 - 1156.53

4.Bihar 52.81 5.00 57.81

5.Goa 0.51 - 0.51 6.Gujarat 90.17 997.16 1087.33

7Haryana - - -

8.Himachal Pradesh 55.11 - 55.11

9.J&K 76.65 - 76.65 10.Karnataka 141.63 - 141.63 11.Kerala 1.25 - 1.25 12.Madhya Pradesh 199.59 1055.53 1255.12 13.Maharashtra 131.86 963.86 1095.72 14.Manipur 131.43 - 131.43 15.Meghalaya 226.10 - 226.10 16.Mizoram 124.45 - 124.45 17.Nagaland 131.82 - 131.82 18.Orissa 86.68 491.43 578.11 19.Punjab 49.17 - 49.17 20.Rajasthan 34.46 25.00 59.46 21.Sikkim - - - 22.TamilNadu 58.66 - 58.66 23.Tripura 225.12 - 225.12 24.Uttar Pradesh 213.83 - 213.83 25.West Bengal 370.80 - 370.80 26.Delhi 18.54 - 18.54 27.Pondicherry 3.79 - 3.79 28.A&N Islands 2.14 - 2.14 29.Chandigarh 2.23 - 2.23 30.D & N Haveli 0.01 - 0.01 31.Daman & Diu 0.50 - 0.50 32.Lakshadweep - - - Total:- 4030.54 3628.36 7658.90
STATE-WISE ASSISTANCE GIVEN UNDER NATIONAL LEPROSY ERADICATION PROGRAMME DURING LAST 3 YEARS (Rs. in lakhs) Sn STATES 1997- 1998- 1999- 1st Half Cost of Drugs o 98 99 2000 Year CASH KIND DISTT TOTAL CASH KIND DISTT. TOTAL CASH KIND DISTT. TOTAL Assistance 2000-2001 . Released 1 Andhra 207.83 101.00 331.24 640.07 189.10 48.50 102.00 339.60 172.00 68.10 202.11 442.21 80.00 144.80 Pradesh 2 Arunachal 20.00 0.42 27.00 47.42 20.25 0.42 142.84 163.51 20.50 0.00 39.36 59.86 9.00 0.61 Pradesh 3 Assam 21.00 42.00 271.65 334.65 16.50 42.00 224.00 282.50 5.00 41.63 189.30 235.93 2.50 4 Bihar 119.93 371.45 335.28 826.66 200.70 511.45 293.00 1005.15 222.05 500.38 622.39 1344.82 115.80 8.29 5 Goa 1.45 0.48 7.35 9.28 2.00 0.48 8.00 10.48 0.49 1.01 0.00 1.50 - 0.80 6 Gujarat 19.00 242.16 177.27 438.43 19.15 127.16 101.00 247.31 19.00 111.23 100.14 230.37 8.00 33.39 7 Haryana 8.00 0.80 14.57 23.37 5.00 0.08 15.00 20.08 1.00 4.89 37.35 43.24 - 7.89 8 Himachal 8.00 6.76 10.00 24.76 10.50 6.76 91.27 108.53 9.97 0.16 44.37 54.50 4.45 3.93 Pradesh 9 Jammu & 84.83 12.89 5.00 102.72 46.00 12.89 95.00 153.89 20.00 8.82 34.79 63.61 9.00 Kashmir 10 Karnataka 96.00 33.15 283.01 412.16 115.50 71.48 169.00 355.98 64.50 15.04 161.94 241.48 31.35 21.65 11 Kerela 77.50 10.00 121.74 209.24 94.40 10.00 137.00 241.40 10.00 16.89 120.41 147.30 10.89 12 Madhya 138.00 318.33 511.77 968.10 138.30 150.00 458.83 747.13 148.00 150.81 495.54 794.35 65.50 348.80 Pradesh 13 Maharashtra 39.99 74.43 351.16 465.58 34.50 126.56 364.00 525.06 45.00 88.60 267.44 401.04 14.00 147.00 14 Manipur 5.22 3.05 30.00 38.27 12.00 3.05 117.86 132.91 2.00 0.00 93.71 95.71 1.00 15 Meghalaya 9.00 2.59 10.00 21.59 3.50 2.59 66.22 72.31 1.74 4.16 39.10 45.00 1.00 0.80 16 Mizoram 19.00 0.34 42.00 61.34 30.00 0.34 45.43 75.77 30.00 1.62 19.60 51.22 12.00 17 Nagaland 8.00 1.20 120.49 129.69 7.50 1.20 41.00 49.70 8.00 0.00 98.09 106.09 4.00 4.05 18 Orissa 168.00 250.94 276.65 695.59 153.10 230.94 169.00 553.04 170.00 133.42 277.67 581.09 92.00 170.92 19 Punjab 30.00 3.96 7.00 40.96 30.00 3.96 101.00 134.96 34.94 6.87 63.52 105.33 11.50 4.07 20 Rajasthan 30.00 22.00 5.00 57.00 60.00 22.00 425.51 507.51 61.00 0.00 87.37 148.37 26.00 21 Sikkim 21.00 1.00 27.40 49.40 22.00 1.00 42.00 65.00 22.00 0.00 49.36 71.36 9.40 1.29 22 Tamil Nadu 117.00 136.56 0.00 253.56 125.00 64.43 160.00 349.43 92.50 122.11 138.68 353.29 50.00 76.45 23 Tripura 20.00 1.50 - 21.50 24.00 1.50 50.35 75.85 23.80 0.00 24.18 47.98 10.00 24 Uttar 143.25 250.86 636.70 1030.81 182.00 303.36 426.00 911.36 164.40 290.46 1147.14 1602.00 94.90 255.03 Pradesh 25 West Bengal 98.00 242.85 299.81 640.66 113.80 207.85 139.00 460.65 109.11 215.31 335.22 659.64 76.40 14.01 26 A & N 6.50 0.00 6.50 6.50 - 6.50 2.00 4.63 0.00 6.63 1.00 Islands 27 Chandigarh 0.50 - 0.50 1.00 5.00 6.00 2.00 5.58 7.21 14.79 0.50 28 D & N Haveli 0.50 5.96 6.46 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 0.17 0.00 1.17 10.50 1.48 29 Daman & Diu 4.50 0.00 4.50 9.50 0.00 9.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 30 Delhi 0.50 - 0.50 1.50 51.15 52.65 1.00 2.38 10.00 13.38 1.00 33.25 31 Lakshadweep 2.00 - 2.00 2.00 9.53 11.53 1.00 0.36 0.00 1.36 1.00 32 Pondicherry 3.50 12.95 16.45 1.85 0.00 1.85 9.50 0.00 0.00 9.50 1.00
Total 1528.00 2130.72 3921.00 7579.72 1678.15 1950.00 4049.99 7678.14 1474.00 1794.63 4705.99 7974.62 743.80 1289.40

Funds Released to States under National Programme for Control of Blindness (Rs. in Lakhs) State Cash Grants GIA to Total Cash GIA to Total Cash GIA to Total DBCS Grants Grants DBCS Grants Grants DBCS Grants 1997-98 1998-99 1999-2000 World Bank Project States Andhra Pradesh 204.34 257.00 461.34 88.50 445.00 533.50 159.25 275.15 434.40 Madhya Pradesh 138.40 455.00 593.40 568.67 408.00 976.67 223.50 517.31 740.81 Maharashtra 99.27 313.00 412.27 87.00 362.25 449.25 352.75 312.13 664.88 Orissa 312.20 204.00 516.20 331.08 220.00 551.08 129.25 291.00 420.25 Rajasthan 46.60 243.00 289.60 35.50 289.00 324.50 122.50 191.68 314.18 Tamil Nadu 444.47 219.00 663.47 551.00 315.85 866.85 462.18 547.64 1,009.82 Uttar Pradesh 138.28 564.00 702.28 207.25 599.50 806.75 318.32 471.00 789.32 Sub-Total 1,383.56 2,255.00 3,638.56 1,869.00 2,639.60 4,508.60 1,767.75 2,605.91 4,373.66 Other States Arunachal 4.04 5.00 9.04 4.50 5.00 9.50 6.00 12.00 18.00 Pradesh Assam 4.54 85.50 90.04 49.65 57.50 107.15 24.75 62.00 86.75 Bihar 7.44 167.50 174.94 19.50 184.50 204.00 18.00 147.00 165.00 Delhi 1.25 11.50 12.75 11.20 13.50 24.70 12.52 30.00 42.52 Goa 5.25 3.50 8.75 63.00 0.15 63.15 11.50 3.00 14.50 Gujarat 4.01 125.50 129.51 39.99 114.15 154.14 268.52 128.00 396.52 Haryana 2.97 54.50 57.47 37.50 63.50 101.00 115.27 55.00 170.27 Himachal 2.97 29.50 32.47 34.03 49.50 83.53 55.25 31.00 86.25 pradesh Jammu & Kashmir 20.66 19.00 39.66 52.50 39.50 92.00 22.75 18.00 40.75 Karnataka 11.78 159.00 170.78 62.01 196.00 258.01 175.25 176.95 352.20 Kerala 6.84 54.50 61.34 16.07 75.50 91.57 107.24 115.35 222.59 Manipur 1.77 8.50 10.27 16.76 9.15 25.91 7.00 0.00 7.00 Meghalaya 4.56 17.50 22.06 11.60 15.23 26.83 9.00 15.00 24.00 Mizoram 1.54 5.00 6.54 16.60 9.15 25.75 9.50 20.00 29.50 Nagaland 3.85 2.50 6.35 56.95 7.15 64.10 11.00 3.00 14.00 Punjab 4.15 52.50 56.65 5.10 51.50 56.60 121.61 78.00 199.61 Sikkim 7.92 0.00 7.92 26.30 12.00 38.30 6.25 12.00 18.25 Tripura 7.77 12.50 20.27 37.74 13.15 50.89 17.39 18.00 35.39 West Bengal 3.25 54.00 57.25 6.20 135.50 141.70 77.10 127.00 204.10 A&N Islands 4.00 3.00 7.00 3.80 4.00 7.80 10.67 0.00 10.67 Chandigarh 4.00 3.00 7.00 3.60 7.00 10.60 10.24 1.00 11.24 D&N Haveli 4.00 3.00 7.00 3.70 3.00 6.70 2.50 0.00 2.50 Daman & Diu 4.00 0.00 4.00 3.70 4.00 7.70 9.40 0.00 9.40 Lakshadweep 7.04 0.00 7.04 17.70 0.00 17.70 2.72 3.00 5.72 Pondicherry 4.00 0.00 4.00 2.30 3.00 5.30 20.82 0.00 20.82 Sub-Total 133.60 876.50 1,010.10 602.00 1,072.63 1,674.63 1,132.25 1,055.30 2,187.55 Grand Total 1,517.16 3,131.50 4,648.66 2,471.00 3,712.23 6,183.23 2,900.00 3,661.21 6,561.21

Annexure II
(Rs. in lakhs)
States/UTs Total Released Allocation till Dec., 2000
(A) WORLD BANK PROJECT STATES ANDHRA PRADESH 205.00 171.25 MADHYA PRADESH 192.00 154.00 MAHARASHTRA 363.00 331.00 ORISSA 680.00 660.00 RAJASTHAN 673.00 651.00 TAMILNADU 195.00 161.25 UTTAR PRADESH 227.00 191.50 SUB TOTAL (A) 2535.00 2320.00
ARUNACHAL PRADESH 28.50 26.89 ASSAM 107.50 98.14 BIHAR 132.50 121.89 DELHI 11.50 9.64 GOA 38.20 35.65 GUJARAT 199.00 185.22 HARYANA 112.00 101.5 HIMACHAL PRADESH 91.00 84.5 J & K 88.50 82.64 KARNATAKA 103.20 79.9 KERALA 131.50 114.8 MANIPUR 38.60 34.7 MEGHALAYA 39.10 35.09 MIZORAM 33.60 30.95 NAGALAND 38.60 34.7 PUNJAB 74.80 60.6 SIKKIM 21.10 20.09 TRIPURA 52.30 46.47 WEST BENGAL 135.00 122.25 A & N ISLAND 3.75 3.75 CHANDIGARH 5.00 5 D & N HAVELI 3.75 3.75 DAMAN & DIU 3.75 3.75 LAKSHADWEEP 3.75 3.75 PONDICHERRY 8.50 7.09 SUB TOTAL (B) 1505.00 1352.71
GRAND TOTAL (A+B) 4040.00 3672.71