(a) whether the CBI has recently raided the offices and residential premises of some revenue officers in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the details of seizure made by the CBI; and

(d) further steps taken by Government against these officers on the basis of outcome of raids?

Answer given by the minister


(a), (b), (c) & (d) : A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


(a) Yes, Sir. As a part of their nationwide special drive, the CBIconducted searches in the premises of officers of Income Tax and Customs & Central Excise Departments on 25.6.2004. 10 cases under the various Sections of Indian Penal Code, 1860 and Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 have been registered against 19 officers of these Departments.

(b)&(c) The details are at Annexure -I.

(d) Out of 19 officers against whom cases have been registered by CBI,13 officers, as a first step, have been transferred to non-sensitive postings. 5 officers were already under suspension and 1 officer has been placed under suspension on 2.7.2004.

Annexure - I

Details of cases registered and searches conducted by the CBI on Revenue Officers

S.No.	Case No.	Name of Accused/Officer(s)
1	RC 3(A)/2004 JDH	Sh.Brij Lal Sahu, Joint Commissioner,	Income Tax,Range-I, Bikaner (Rajasthan) Brief Allegation :	Possession of assets disproportionate	to his known sources of income. Places of search :	Residential presmises and office premises	of Sh.B.L. Sahu Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Cash and property worth Rs.68,35,171/-
2	RC.3(A)/2004 ACU.III	1.Sh.Bamin Tari,the then Deputy	Commissioner of Customs,ACTL,	Ballabhgarh, presently posted as Joint	Commissioner, Directorate	General of Systems, New Delhi,	2.Sh.S.L. Bansal, the then Assistant	Commissioner of Customs, ACTL, Ballabhgarh	and other private persons. Brief Allegation :	During 2002-2003, the accused Customs	officials in criminal conspiracy with the	accused private exporters allowed false	DEPB benefits to the extent of Rs.24 Crore	to the companies/firms owned/controlled by	the exporters by allowing fraudulent exports	to France,UK,Canada and USA cheated Govt. of	India in lieu of illegal gratification for	several lakhs of rupees and caused	corresponding wrongful loss to Govt.	exchequer. Places of search :	Office & Residence of Accused persons. Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Besides recovery of incriminating documents,	property worth Rs.6,03,936/- was detected
3	RC.24(A)/ 2004 ACB/KOL	1.Sh.Bijay Kumar, the then Additional	Commissioner of Customs, Kolkata.	2. Sh.P.K. Goswami, the then Joint	Commissioner of Customs , Kolkata.	3. Sh. Shaukat Ali, the then Customs Appraiser,	Customs House, Kolkata and other private persons. Brief Allegation :	Cheated Customs Department by falsely declaring	complete photocopier machines as incomplete	photocopier machine and thereby evaded payment of	Customs duty. Places of search :	Office & Residential premises of Accused persons. Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Incriminating documents.
4	RC.27(A)/ 2004 ACB/KOL	1. Sh.P.C.Biswas, Superintendent,	2. Sh.P.K. Paul, Inspector.	3. Sh. D.K. Sinha, Inspector.All of Ghojadanga	Land Customs Stations, 24 Parganas West Bengal.	Brief Allegation :	Made an attempt to cheat Customs Department by	making claim of Rs.65 lakhs duty under DEEC scheme	by issuing false inspection Report and clearing the	export consignment of night gowns valued Rs.5.46	Crore. Places of search :	Office and Residence of Accused persons. Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Incriminating documents and NSC/KVPs worth Rs.62,000/-
5	RC.28(A)/ 2004 ACB/KOL	1.Sh.P.C.Biswas, Superintendent,Ghodjadanga Land	Customs Stations, 24 Parganas, West Bengal	and other private persons. Brief Allegation :	Cheated Customs Department for Rs.2 Crore as duty	benefit under DEEC scheme by issuing false	Inspection Report & clearing export consignment of	non-alloy steel bars and wire rods valued Rs.5.02	Crore. Places of search :	Office and Residence of the Accused.	Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Incriminating documents.
6	RC.34(A)/ 2004 ACB/MUM	Sh. Hemant Kothikar, Joint Commissioner of Customs,	Exports, JNPT, NhavaSheva Brief Allegation :	Possession of assets disproportionate to his known	sources of income. Places of search :	Residence Premises of the Accused and his relatives. Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Assets worth Rs.3.87 Crore.
7	RC.14(A)/ 2004 GNR	1.Sh. A. Pereira, Assistant Commissioner.	2.Sh. P.S. Desai, Superintendent(Technical)	3.Sh. R.I. Patel, Superintendent	4.Sh. D.M. Julka, Superintendent	5.Smt. Deepika C. Patel, Inspector.All of Central	Excise, Valsad Division. Gujarat. Brief Allegation :	It is alleged that the accused persons in connivance	with each other had deliberately overlooked	the matter of M/s Shiv Metal Corporation of Dhola	Pipla, Navsari (Gujarat) with regard to the export of	finished goods on the basis of duty free import of	copper for international market for the period 2002-	2003 thereby causing loss to the tune of Rs.13 crores	to the Govt. Exchequer. The unit acquired the status	of 100% EOU w.e.f. 24.1.2002.	The said firm has no basic manufacturing equipment	for the production of export oriented goods and has	infact imported copper	which were directly sold in the open market. Places of search :	Residence premises of all the Accused persons. Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Incriminating documents.
8	RC.31(A)/ 2004 ACB/MUM	1. Sh. R.K. Agarwal, Commissioner of Central Excise, Panvel	2. Sh. A.K. Aswal,Assistant Commissioner, Central Excise, Panvel	3. Sh. Rajesh, CHA # Brief Allegation :	It is alleged that the accused Shri R.K. Agarwal,	Commissioner of Central Excise, Panvel demanded a bribe	of Rs.50 lakh from the complainant who is the owner of	an Export Unit. Subsequent to registration of the case,	demand verification was conducted and on establishing	veracity, a trap was laid. However, at the time of	delivery, the accused Shri R.K. Agarwal instructed the	complainant to deliver the money to a third party,	which eventually did not materialize. However, as an	offence under Prevention of Corruption Act was	established during verification, so the CBI has taken	up investigation and conducted searches. Places of search :	Residence of Accused 1 & 3. Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Cash, movable/ immovable property worth Rs.11,70,000/-
9	RC.33(A)/ 2004 ACB/MUM	Sh. P.K. Agarwal, the then Deputy Commissioner, Kalyan-1	Division., Central Excise, Thane Brief Allegation :	Public servant conspired with accused private parties to	cause wrongful gain to themselves and wrongful loss to	Govt. of India. Revenue loss would be approximately	Rs.15 Crore. Places of search :	Residence of the Accused. Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Cash of Rs.5 lac (approx.)
10	RC.13(A)/ 2004 GWH	1.Sh. Dwipen Bania, Superintendent,Central Excise,	Barpeta Road, Assam Brief Allegation :	Possession of Assets disproportionate	to his known sources of income to the tune of	Rs.14,96,515/- approx. Places of search :	Office and Residential premises. Detected/ Seizures made by the CBI :	Value of Assets detected /recoveries made Rs.24,62,685/- (Approx.)	#	Sh. Rajesh, CHA is a private person and not a Customs/Central Excise Officer.