Question : Safe Drinking Water in SC-ST Areas

a) the details and names of schemesbeing implemented in the country forproviding clean drinking water in ScheduledCastes and Scheduled Tribes dominantsettlements;

(b) the percentage of works completedof the ongoing projects under the saidschemes and the expected time by whichthe said projects are likely to be completed;

(c) the State-wise details of funds allocated/released and utilised under drinking water schemes during eachof the last three years and the current year;and

(d) the number of villages provided drinking water in Pindwara area of Rajasthan under these schemes?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b) Water is a state subject. The Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation administers the centrally sponsored scheme, the National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP) for providing technical and financial assistance to the States to supplement their efforts to provide adequate and safe drinking water in rural areas of the country including Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) dominated settlements. Under NRDWP, 22% and 10% funds are kept aside for coverage of SC and ST dominated habitations respectively. The Ministry monitors the percentage of works completed of ongoing schemes through online Integrated Management Information System (IMIS). As reported by States, the stage wise completion status of ongoing schemes under NRDWP in various States / UTs is as under:-

Total no. of ongoing schemes 75 to < 100% physically completed 50 to < 75% physically completed 25 to < 50% physically completed 0> to <25% physically completed 0% physically completed
39503 6,969 4,764 3,768 5,468 2,626

Completion of the schemes and coverage of drinking water is a dynamic process depending on the resources (water and finance).

(c) The State-wise details of fundsallocated/released and utilised underdrinking water schemes of NRDWP during eachof the last three years and the current year are at Annexure-I.

(d) As reported by State Government of Rajasthan, Pindwara block of district Sirohi consists of total 109 villages. Out of which 52 villages are SC / ST dominated. Out of these 52 villages, 10 are benefitted by Reverse Osmosis (RO)Plant, 14 by De-fluoridation Unit (DFU) plants, 1 by Solar Pumps and 2 by Pump & Tank (P&T) schemes.

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