(a) whether the state owned telecast channels are incurring heavy losses and if so, the details thereof along with the losses suffered by all state owned channels during the last three years;

(b) whether the Government proposes to re-launch Doordarshan National channel as ‘Desh Ka Apna Channel’ with a slew of new programmes;

(c) if so, the details and reasons therefor;

(d) whether the Government also proposes to stop commissioning programmes and directly marketing serials to get sponsors for its programmes and if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the other steps taken by the Government to provide quality programmes in the re- launched channel?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Prasar Bharati is an autonomous body not owned by the State. However, it does receive Government support in the form of grants-in-aid. Its objectives as Public Service Broadcaster are not directed towards profits but towards reaching out to all sections of society in all corners of the country, the question of losses/profits does not arise.

(b) & (c) A fresh colour scheme with a new tag line for DD National Network entitled “ Desh Ka Apna Channel” has been initiated by DD from 17th Nov.2014, with several new programmes in the mid-prime time and prime time band of DD National. Efforts have been stepped up for cross channel promotions and publicity including the use of Social Media which has significantly enhanced the viewers profile of DD National and would help in improving the viewership of the channel. Steps have been undertaken to improve the quality and content of the programme through close monitoring and interaction with producers.

(d) & (e) Prasar Bharati does not propose to stop commissioning of programmes.

Doordarshan is also procuring programmes under Self Financed Commissioning (SFC). The proposals have been invited for DD National Network and for the upcoming DD Kisan channels under the SFC scheme. Doordarshan is directly selling airtime to agencies & clients in the media market.

It is a constant endeavour of Doordarshan to improve upon its programmes by reviewing the content and quality from time to time with the view to sustain the interest of the viewers. Doordarshan has decided to procure content through various notified schemes such as Self Finance Commissioning(SFC), Revenue Sharing Mode(RSM) for producers/simulcast, Advertisement Funded Programme(AFP). The Revenue Sharing Scheme

(Producers/Simulcast) also allows Doordarshan to collaborate with some private channels for sourcing some high quality software in the simulcast mode content on favourable terms

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