(a)&(b) To facilitate easy flow of credit to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the Government launched Credit
Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises in August, 2000 under which guarantee cover is provided for collateral
free credit upto Rs.100 lakh extended to micro and small enterprises (MSEs). In addition, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
has issued guidelines in May, 2010, which mandatorily require banks to dispense with collateral requirement for loans upto
Rs. 10 lakh to MSEs. Further, the Ministry is addressing high cost of loans by implementing Performance and Credit Rating
Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises which provides financial support to MSEs for getting rated and consequently obtain
loans at concessionary rate of interest. The Ministry also implements Prime Ministerâs Employment Generation Programme and
Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme, wherein margin money and capital subsidy respectively bring down the effective cost
of loan.
(c) Under Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), 25,410 units have availed subsidy of Rs.1,418.49 crore till
30th November, 2013. Further, 13,17,195 guarantees for an amount of Rs.64,643 crore have been approved under the
Credit Guarantee Scheme upto 30th November, 2013. The State / UT-wise position regarding MSEs benefitted under these
schemes during last three years and the current year is given at Annexure-I & II respectively.
(d)&(e) Under Credit Guarantee Scheme, changes in guarantee fee and annual service fee have been made by levying fee at
consolidated rate of 1% per annum. Presently, collateral free / third party guarantee free loans / credits sanctioned by
member banks/ institutions upto Rs.100 lakh are extended guarantees under Credit Guarantee Scheme.
(f) The Government is laying thrust on the implementation of ongoing schemes / programmes, which include National
Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme, Credit Guarantee Scheme, Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme, Performance
and Credit Rating Scheme, Cluster Development Programme, Prime Ministerâs Employment Generation programme, etc. for
the promotion and development of MSMEs and to enhance their competitiveness and promote investment in this sector.
The Credit Guarantee Scheme minimizes risk perception of banks and financial institutions and ensures timely availability
of loan to MSEs.