Question : Medical Education Bill

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has amended the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2019 recently and if so, the details thereof;

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to ensure transparency, accountability and quality in the governance of medical education in the country;

(c) whether the new Bill provides for supersession of Medical Council of India (MCI) for a period of two years, if so, the details thereof and the reasons for superseding the MCI;

(d) whether the Government proposes to constitute National Medical Commission to replace the MCI, if so, the details thereof; and

(e) whether the Government proposes to constitute four autonomous boards for undergraduate medical education and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Yes.
(b) & (c): To ensure transparency, accountability and quality in the governance of medical education in the country, an Oversight Committee was constituted in pursuance of the direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 2.5.2016 to oversee the functioning of Medical Council of India (MCI).
The Secretary of the Oversight Committee vide letter dated 06.07.2018 conveyed that MCI is not following the instructions given to it by the Oversight Committee and not furnishing the information desired by it from time to time. Chairman and all Members of this Oversight Committee also tendered their resignations. Further, the Ministry had also come across certain arbitrary recommendations of MCI made in contravention to the provisions of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and regulations made thereunder.
Keeping in view of these developments which were adversely affecting the standards of medical education, a conscious decision was taken to supersede the MCI for a period of two years and entrust its affairs to a Board of Governors consisting of eminent doctors so as to further ensure transparency, accountability and quality in the governance of medical education in the country. The decision was given effect through promulgation of an Ordinance. Further, the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Bill, 2019 to replace the Indian Medical Council (Amendment) Second Ordinance, 2019 has been passed by the Lok Sabha on 02.07.2019 and by the Rajya Sabha on 04.07.2019.
(d) & (e): The National Medical Commission Bill, 2017 which was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 29.12.2017 seeks to constitute a National Medical Commission in place of MCI for development and regulation of all aspects relating to medical education, medical profession & medical institutions and provides for constitution of a Medical Advisory Council to advise and make recommendations to the Commission along with the four Autonomous Boards – Under-Graduate Medical Education Board, Post-Graduate Medical Education Board, Medical Assessment and Rating Board and Ethics and Medical Registration Board. The Bill was initially introduced in Lok Sabha in December, 2017. However, it could not be passed and eventually got lapsed on dissolution of 16th Lok Sabha.

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