Question : Cooperation in Oil and Gas

(a) whether the Government has conducted bilateral meetings with United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China and Australia and have signed/ proposes to sign an agreement/ Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation in the oil and gas/ hydrocarbon sector and if so, the details thereof along with the time by which the said agreements/MoUs are likely to be finalised and major achievements in this regard, country-wise;
(b) whether India and Australia have decided to form a panel/signed MoU on supply of cheap LNG for power plants in India and if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Government has expressed interest in exploration of hydrocarbons in the Arctic region with Russia and China and if so, the details thereof;
(d) the details of oil and gas blocks acquired abroad and investment/funding pattern by ONGC/ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL)/Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) along with status of commercial production and quantum of oil and gas produced and supplied to the country so far, company/ country/block-wise;
(e) whether ONGC/OVL/OMCs including private companies have bought/proposes to buy stake in foreign countries including a Russian energy giant and have signed agreements in the oil/gas sector and if so, the details thereof along with the amount invested as a result thereof, company/block-wise; and
(f) whether the Qatar has been the largest supplier of LNG and crude oil to India during the last year and if so, the details thereof along with initiative taken by the Government to strengthen ties with Qatar to improve the energy security in the country?

Answer given by the minister

a) As part of India’s energy diplomacy, the Ministry holds bilateral meetings on a regular basis, including with USA, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Australia, etc. and signs agreements and MoUs for enhancing cooperation in the oil and gas sector.
b) No such decision was taken.
c) Russia has proposed possibility of collaboration in exploration of hydrocarbons in the Arctic region. Indian PSU oil and gas companies have, however, found commercially unviable.
d) & (e) Indian Public Sector Oil and Gas companies have over 44 exploratory blocks in 16 countries and 20 producing blocks in 12 countries. The PSU companies manage funding for their acquisitions through a mix of internal resources, borrowing from their parent companies, external commercial borrowings, and/or from market, including through issuance of bonds in the market. During May and October 2016, Indian PSU Oil and Gas companies acquired stakes in Rosneft’s Vankorneft and Taas-Yuryakh oil and gas producing fields in Russia. Indian PSU oil and gas companies have invested over US $ 32.89 billion producing over 25.18 MMTOE of oil and gas.
f) Qatar is the largest supplier of LNG to India. During the year 2015-16 India purchased 9.51 MMT and during 2016-17 (April to Dec.) 7.8 MMT of LNG from Qatar. India continuously engages with all oil and gas producing countries to diversify its energy sources and enhance its energy security.

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