Question : New Education Policy

(a) whether the Government proposes to introduce New Education Policy (NEP) in the
(b) if so, the main objectives/changes have drafted in NEP therefor;
(c) whether the new school system will be discovery, audio-visual based, friendly education
(d) whether 2/3 years degree courses will also be converted to 4 years degree course thereto;
(e) if so, the details and the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e) : The Government has undertaken a detailed exercise in formulating a New
Education Policy and the Committee for the Draft National Education Policy under the
Chairmanship of Dr. K. Kasturirangan has submitted its report to the Ministry on 31st May
2019. Several reform measures have been proposed in the Draft NEP 2019, so that all
students have equitable access to quality education across the country.
The Draft NEP 2019 proposes that for 3-8 year olds (Foundational Stage) - a
flexible, multi-level, play-based, activity-based, and discovery-based system of learning is
followed. It also proposes that school complexes can house shared facilities and equipment
at the secondary school that cannot be provided separately to each individual school. It
states that audio-video systems with a portable generator can be taken around from school to
school. Similarly, a secondary school may have a good laboratory, musical instruments, and
playgrounds with sports equipment that students from the pre-primary, primary, and upper
primary schools in the complex may be given access to on a regular basis.
The Draft NEP 2019 also proposes that the undergraduate degree will move towards
a strong liberal education approach, and can be of either three- or four-year duration. Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs) may offer multiple exit options within this period, with
appropriate certification, such as an advanced diploma in a discipline or field (including
vocational and professional areas) after completing two years of study or a diploma after
completing one year. The three-year programme will lead to a Bachelors degree. A fouryear
duration programme will offer the full possibilities for a transformed liberal
undergraduate education programme, and shall be called a Liberal Arts programme,
resulting in a Bachelor of Liberal Arts (BLA) or Bachelor of Liberal Education (BLE)
degree with Research.
At this stage, the draft NEP 2019 has been uploaded on MHRD’s website and also at platform to elicit suggestions/comments from all stakeholders including
the public, Government of India Ministries and State Governments. The Government will
finalize the National Education Policy only after considering the inputs/suggestions and
comments of all stakeholders.

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