(a) whether serving of stale, unhygienic and poor quality of food have been reported under the Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS);

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the number of children fell ill or died after consuming mid day meal during the last three years and the current year, State-wise and year-wise;

(c) whether the Government has conducted any inquiry in this regard;

(d) if so, the outcome thereof and the action taken/being taken by the Government against the guilty persons/institutions in this regard; and

(e) the steps taken/being taken by the Government to ensure serving of quality and nutritious food under the said scheme?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the Sabha.

Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 159 for 22.08.2012 by Smt. Rama Devi and Shri Sajjan Verma, regarding Unhygienic Food under MDMS.

(a) to (d): During the last three years and the current year, 29 complaints of poor quality of MDM had been received in this Ministry. These complaints were referred to the concerned State Governments, who have taken necessary action on 27 of them.In 9 cases, the allegations in the complaints were not proved.The States / UTs have taken necessary action on 18 complaints that were substantiated. The action taken included warning to the concerned NGO and officers responsible, initiation of departmental proceedings against Principal and Inspector, suspension of erring officials, registration of criminal cases against the contractor for negligence, cancellation of the contract of the supplier, changing of cooks where required, and compensating children as per the directions of the court. Detailed position is given at Annexure.

(e): The Government has taken the following steps to ensure serving of quality and nutritious food under the MDMS:

(i) FCI is responsible for issue of food grains of at least Fair Average Quality (FAQ); the District Collector/CEO of Zila Panchayat ensure that food grains of at least FAQ are lifted after joint inspection by a team consisting of FCI and the nominee of the Collector and/or Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat, and confirmation by them that the grain conforms to at least FAQ norms.

(ii) The Government has made elaborate arrangements through MDM Scheme guidelines to ensure that children get good quality meal to their satisfaction. As per norms, the food is to be tasted by 2-3 adults, including at least one teacher, before it is served to children.

(iii) Representatives of Gram Panchayats/Gram Sabhas, members of Village Education Committees (VECs), Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs), School Management & Development Committees (SMDCs) as well as Mothers’ Committees are required to monitor (a) the regularity and wholesomeness of the mid day meal served to children, (b) cleanliness in cooking and serving of the mid day meal, (c) procurement of good quality ingredients, and (d) implementation of a varied menu. Supervisory Officers are required to inspect about 25% of the schools every quarter.

(iv) The cooking cost has been increased by 7.5% annually in the last three years for provision of pulses, vegetables and oils to ensure the nutritive value of the food.

(v) To ensure safety and hygiene in the preparation of Mid-day-meal, till March, 2012, Central assistance of Rs. 7024.76 Crores has already been released to States/UTs for construction of 9,60,087 Kitchen-cum-stores. Out of these, 5,60,546 kitchen-cum-stores have been completed and 95,867 are under construction.