(a) the average per capita power consumption in the country during the last three years, State-wise;

(b) whether the per capita power consumption in some of the States is less than the national average and also there is discrepancy in power consumption during base and peak demand supply;

(c) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, State-wise;

(d) the percentage increase in consumption of power during the current year compared to the previous year; and

(e) the measures being taken by the Government to address the peak load deficit which has been increasing steadily over the years and to increase the power generation so as to bridge the gap between the demand and supply?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The average per capita power consumption in the Country during the last three years are as under;

Year	Per capita power consumption in kWh

2008-09 733.54

2009-10 778.63

2010-11 818.75

State-wise details are at Annex-I.

(b) & (c) As per Annex-I, some States/UTs have less per capita power consumption than the national average. As regards state-wise peak demand and peak met as well as energy demand and supply, state-wise details for 2012-13 (April 2012 to February, 2013) are at Annex-II.

(d) The percentage increase in the peak power met and energy availability during the current year (April, 2012 to February,2013) as compared to the corresponding period of previous year (April, 2011 to February, 2012) was 7.9% and 5.6% respectively.

(e) Following steps have been / being taken by the Government to bridge the gap between demand and supply of power in the country:

(i) Capacity addition of 88,537 MW during 12th Plan period (2012-2017).

(ii) Rigorous monitoring of capacity addition of the on-going generation projects.

(a) Review of progress of power projects is being done at the highest level by Hon`ble Union Power Minister, Secretary, Ministry of Power and Chairperson, CEA, to identify the constraint areas and facilitate their faster resolution, so that the projects are commissioned on time.

(b) Regular reviews are held at various levels including Ministry of Power, Ministry of Heavy Industries, Ministry of Coal, Planning Commission and Cabinet Secretariat to identify the constraint areas and facilitate faster resolution of inter-ministerial and other outstanding issues.

(iii) Development of Ultra Mega Power Projects of 4,000 MW each.

(iv) Augmentation of domestic manufacturing capacity of power equipment through Joint Ventures.

(v) Coordinated operation and maintenance of hydro, thermal, nuclear and gas based power stations to optimally utilize the existing generation capacity.

(vi) Thrust to import of coal by the power utilities to meet the shortfall in coal supplies to thermal power stations from indigenous sources.

(vii) Renovation, modernization and life extension of old and inefficient generation units.

(viii) Strengthening of inter-state and inter-regional transmission capacity for optimum utilization of available power.