Question : Eligibility under PM Kisan Scheme

(a) the number of farmers eligible to join the PM Kisan scheme as per the most recent Agri-Census data;

(b) the details of the funds allocated to the Scheme for the current financial year and the amount spent till January, 2020;

(c) the number of farmers who have been registered by the States so far, State-wise;

(d) whether the Government is taking any direct steps in consultation with the States to ensure that all the beneficiaries are registered, the details thereof;

(e) the number of registered beneficiaries who have received the first, second or third instalments, instalment-wise and State-wise; and

(f) whether beneficiaries are being given retrospective payments if their details are registered after the disbursal of an instalment?

Answer given by the minister


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(a): The estimated number of landholdings based on the Agri Census-2015-16 data is 14 Crore. Eligibility of farmers to join the PM-Kisan Scheme is determined by the respective State/UT Governments on the basis of Operational Guidelines of the Scheme.

(b): Against the budgetary allocation of Rs.75000 crore in the current financial year 2019-20, funds amounting to Rs. 44,516.7 Crore have been transferred in the bank accounts of beneficiaries farmers till 06th February,2020.



(c): The State-wise number of farmers registered under the Scheme so far is at Annexure-I.

(d): Registration of farmers for this scheme and subsequent installment-wise transfer of benefits to them is a continuous and ongoing process. The transfer of benefits to the identified eligible beneficiaries takes place as and when their correct and verified data are uploaded by the concerned State / UT Governments on PM-Kisan web-portal

To further facilitate registration of farmers, an exclusive ‘Farmers Corner’ has been provided in the PM-KISAN Web-portal through which the farmers can do their self-registration. Common Service Centres (CSCs) have also been authorized to register the farmers under the Scheme.

On the advice of the Union Government, the States have organized Publicity/Awareness Camps to ensure expeditious Aadhaar authentication of the data of the beneficiaries along with new registrations and correction of already registered data.

(e): The State-wise details of registered beneficiaries to whom payments have been made in installments is at Annexure-II.

(f): No, all eligible beneficiaries are entitled to be paid their benefits from the 4-monthly period in which their registration has taken place.

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