(a) & (b) Yes.The School Health Programme (SHP) has been launched under Reproductive Child
Health (RCH)-II/National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) since 2007-2008.Broad features of SHP are
as follows:
1. To address issues of health, education, environment and nutrition in a holistic and
comprehensive framework.
2. To utilize strategies of prevention, promotion as well as detection and treatment for health
3. To provide a referral linkage with the general health services at primary, secondary and
tertiary levels.
4. Provision of healthy environment and basic infrastructure in schools.
5. Health and Physical Education based on the National Curriculum Framework.
6. Capacity Building for teachers and health professionals at various levels to sensitively
address varying health and well-being issues of children.
7. To motivate adoption of Health promoting schools.
Under the SHP, following modality is proposed-
# States intending to restructure existing SHPs are encouraged to adopt the Rapid Assessment and
Action Planning process (RAAPP) advocated by the WHO, suitably adapted to suit Indian conditions.
# Each state shall formulate its own State School Health Policy in a manner that all stakeholders,
in particular, health department, education department and local communities have an ownership.
# The programme formulated at the state level can then be implemtned in a phased manner in the
districts. States shall evolve their criteria for phasing of the districts; however, the NHSP
shall be extended to all districts, under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), by 2012.
# The SHP co-ordinates with State Health Resource Centres (SHRC), State Institutes of Health and
Family Welfare (SIHFW), State Institute of Education Research and training (SIERT), District
Institute of education Research and training (DIET), Block Resource Centres and Cluster Resource
and Cluster Resource Centres for accessing various programme resources.
# A system for continuous monitoring and internal evaluation is instituted.External validation may
be conducted annually by Medical Colleges/SHRC/SIHFW/ Education Departments of Universities in
collaboration with the National Health Systems Resource Centre (NHSRC) and the National Council
for Educational Research and Training (NCERT).
(c) & (d) As per information received from Ministry of Human Resource Development,Department of
School Education and Literacy, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has launched a
comprehensive School Health Programme for the schools affiliated to it.
The CBSE has brought out the Health Manuals in four volumes to sensitize schools right from
classes 1 to 12.These Manuals are based on the following six themes:
# Knowing your body
# Food and Nutrition
# Personal and Environmental Hygiene
# Physical Fitness
# Being Responsible and Safe
# Behavious and Lifer Skills
The CBSE has also conducted empowerment programmes for principals and counselors to creat Master
Trainers, who would facilitate the implementation of Health and Wellness/Clubs in each region.
(e) Amount spent under the School Health Programme the years 2007-08 and 2008-09 was
Rs. 22.92 lacs and Rs. 15975.44 lacs respectively. And allocation of Rs. 11210.44 lacs has been
made during the current financial year 2009-10 under the programme.