(a) the average annual growth rate of technical textile sector and textile manufacturing sector during the each of the last three years;

(b) whether the Government carried out any study for ascertaining the reasons for the said difference in the growth rates of technical textile sector and textile manufacturing sector; and

(c) if so, the details thereof alongwith the average annual fund disbursed to the technical textile sector under the technology upgradation fund scheme (TUFS)?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The yearwise data for production of technical textiles is not available with the Government. However based on the Expert Committee on Technical Textiles (ECTT) report and ICRA Management Consultancy Services Ltd., Report on baseline survey of technical textile industry in India the details on market size are given below:

Sr. Year Technical Growth Traditional Growth Rate (%) No Textile Rate Textiles Market Size (%) [Fabrics (in Rs. Crore) (including Khadi, wool & silk)] Prodn. (Mn.

1 2005-06 23787.36# - 49577

2 2006-07 26525.68# 11.51 53389 7.69

3 2007-08 41756.00$ - 56025 4.94

4 2008-09 46321.42$ 10.93 54966 -1.89

(# - ECTT Report, $ - IMaCS Report & - Provisional)


As per the ECTT report, the estimated market size of technical textiles for 2003-04 is Rs. 19129.59 crore and projected market size of technical textiles for 2007-08 is Rs. 29579.23 crore. Based on the report the market size for 2005-06 & 2006-07 were arrived on the basis of Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) %.

As per the IMaCS report, the estimated market size of technical textiles for 2007-08 is Rs.41756.00 crore and projected market size of technical textiles for 2012-13 is Rs.70151.00 crore. Based on the report the market size for 2008-09 was arrived on the basis of CAGR%.

(b): No study has been carried out by the Government in this regard. However, considering the scope for technical textiles and its nascent stage of production in the country, the growth rate of technical textile sector is expected to be higher rate than normal textile sector.

(c): The annual fund disbursement details of technical textiles under Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) are not available. However the progress under TUFS of technical textile units including non-wovens from 01.04.2009 to 30.06.2009 is given below:

(Rs. in crores)

Received Sanctioned Disbursed Sector No.of Project Amount No. of Project Amount No. of Amount Applica Cost of loan applica Cost applica tions required tions tions

Non 213 1936.2311 931.7035 213 1935.7391 915.8761 213 862.4041 SSI

SSI 179 204.1618 108.518 177 199.4818 103.5846 177 96.3554

Total  392 2140.3929 1040.2215 390 2135.2209 1019.4607 390 958.7595

Project cost would include equity (non-loan amount), loan for non-TUF eligible investment.