(a): The requirement of power in a State is met with their own
generation, and private generation stations in the state, their share in the
Central Generating Stations (CGSs) and import of power. Supply of power to
the States against their allocation of power from CGSs, caters to part of their
requirement. The quantum of energy scheduled from the Central Generating
Stations to various States in the country during current year (upto July, 2012)
is given at Annex.
(b) to (e): The allocation of power from Central Generating Stations (CGSs)
is made in two parts, namely firm share (85%) and unallocated power (15%).
The firm share once allocated is generally not changed unless surrendered by
the beneficiary or it is not able to pay requisite dues to CPSUs. The allocation of
unallocated power from Central Generating Stations (CGSs), kept at the
disposal of the Central Government, is reviewed and revised from time to time
keeping in view the emergent and seasonal nature of the requirement, the
relative power supply position, utilization of available power resources,
operational and payment performance, etc.
The quantum of unallocated power being limited and it being fully
allocated at any point of time, the enhancement in allocation of any State/UT is
feasible only by way of equivalent reduction in the allocation of other
State(s)/UT(s). The allocation of power from CGSs to the States/UTs, therefore,
undergoes upward as well as downward revision. With the establishment of
new CGSs, the quantum of unallocated power of CGSs increases for the benefit
of beneficiary States/UTs.