Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office. (DR. JITENDRA SINGH)
(a) & (b): As informed by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), data regarding complaints received in CVC from ‘representatives of people’ is not separately maintained. As such, it is not possible to segregate / identify complaints received from representatives of people from the complaints received.
Details of all complaints received in the Commission and action taken thereon during the last three years and current year (upto September, 2016) are enclosed in Annexure A.
(c) & (d): The Commission is not an investigating agency and does not conduct investigations. However, the Commission had, during the last three years and the current year, referred 1237, 1214, 179 and 74 complaints for inquiry/investigation and report to the CVOs of Ministries / Departments / Organisations concerned / Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Further, the details of all cases referred to the Commission and advice tendered by the Commission during the last three years and current year (upto September, 2016) are enclosed in Annexure A.
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