Question : National Ayush Mission

(a) salient features of National Ayush Mission (NAM);
(b) the total amount of funds sanctioned and released under the NAM scheme during the last three years, State/UT-wise including a district wise break up for Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh;
(c) the total number of immunity boosting BalRaksha Kits supplied to Andhra Pradesh till date and the details there of;
(d) the district-wise details of works completed and in progress in Rajasthan under NAM; and
(e) the details of funds utilised and number of beneficiaries of National Ayush Mission in Ajmer district?

Answer given by the minister



(a)The salient features of the National AYUSH Mission (NAM) are furnished at Annexure-I.

(b) The funds approved/sanctioned and released under the NAM scheme during the last three years, State/UT-wise including Rajasthan and Andhra Pradeshis furnished at Annexure-II.However, under NAM, no grant-in-aid is approved/sanctioned and released district-wise.

(c) Ministry of Ayush has not supplied the immunity boosting BalRaksha Kits to the State of Andhra Pradesh under National AYUSH Mission (NAM).

(d) & (e) As per the information received from the State Government of Rajasthan, they have made expenditure of Rs. 10897.81lakhs against total released grant-in-aid of Rs. 19862.31 lakhs.Further, the progress of major approved activities for setting up of 50 bedded integrated AYUSH hospitals as reported by the State Government of Rajasthan is furnished at Annexure-III.

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