(a) whether the Government has received any proposal to increase the quantity of coal supply to thermal power stations located in Madhya Pradesh and to provide coal-linkage from the coal mines of the state; and

(b) if so, the details thereof and the action taken by the Government thereon?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Yes Sir. A proposal for revision of Annual Contract Quantity (ACQ) of MPPGCL power stations from 15 Million Tonnes Per Annum to 17 Millon Tonnes Per Annum was received from Government of Madhya Pradesh in 2010-11. Besides this, requests to provide coal linkage from the coal mines of state have been received from Government of Madhya Pradesh.

As per the decision taken by Ministry of Coal and Ministry of Power in 2009-10 TPP-wise ACQ was calculated by Central Electricity Authority (CEA) in respect of Power Plants existing as on 31.03.2009. Accordingly, CEA had allocated 15 Million Tonnes of coal Per Annum to MPPGCL power stations. If ACQ for TPPs of MP is to be increased, it will be at the cost of some other power station(s) to be decided by CEA.

The Details of the requests received from State Government of grant of long-term coal linkage /LoA is given below:-

S.No.	Name of the Power Plant	Location of Plant	Capacity in MW 
1. Shahpura TPP (Shahpura Magarmuha , Shahpura, 1500 Thermal Power Co. Limited. Jabalpur, MP. A subsidiary of MP Power Trading Company Limited- Govt.of MP Undertaking) 2. Shree Singaji Thermal Near Vill Dongali, 1200 Power Project of Distt. Khandwa, MP. M/s. MPPGCL 3. Bansagar TPP of M/s. MPPGVL Vill. Tikuratola, Distt. 1600 Shahdol. Madhya Pradesh 4. Narmada Hyderoelectric Vill. Rewapur, Distt. 1320 Development Corporation Khandwa MP. Limited (JV with NHPC and GOMP) 5. Dada Dhuniwale Khandwa Khandwa Distt. 1600 Project Limited joint Madhya Pradesh venture company formed by MPPGCL (wholly owned by GoMP & BHEL (CPSU)
It is pertinent to mention here that the subsidiary companies of Coal India Limited (CIL) have issued 175 Letter of Assurance (LOAs) covering the capacity of about 1,08,00 MW. During the last 3 years of 11th Plan period, capacity of about 26,000 MW has been commissioned and the balance capacity of more than 80,000 MW is likely to be commissioned during 12th Plan period and beyond. Since Letter of Assurances (LoAs) amounting to more than 80,000 MW for setting up for power projects already exists, there is no scope for grant of new LoAs for 12th Plan Power Projects. .