Question : Matribhasha Diwas

(a) whether the Government has recently celebrated/organized the Matribhasha
Diwas in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the aims and objectives of celebrating/organizing
such Diwas;
(c) the details of various activities in different languages organized by the
Government in the said Diwas; and
(d) the other steps taken/being taken by the Government to promote and protect
the various languages used by the people across the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Yes Sir. The Government of India has celebrated the Matribhasha
Diwas (Mother Language Day) on 21.2.2020 in all Educational Institutions. 21st
February of every year is observed as International Mother Language Day to
promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism with following main
i) to encourage usage of the mother tongue, and also learn other Indian
languages as well
ii) to understand diverse cultures in India and various forums of literature, craft,
performing arts, scripts and other forms of creative expression.
The Ministry of HRD advised all the Educational Institutions for celebrating the
Matribhasha Diwas by organising various activities like Elocution, debating,
singing, essay writing and painting competitions, music performances,
exhibitions, etc. Ministry of HRD and Ministry of Culture jointly organised an
inaugural programme in New Delhi on the eve of Matribhasha Diwas.
(d): The policy of the Government is to promote all Indian Languages. Central
Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore works for the promotion of all
Indian languages and there are separate Institutions for development and
promotion of Hindi, Urdu, Sindhi and Sanskrit languages.

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