(a) the initiatives taken to promote and expand non-conventional sources of energy including solar power;

(b) the achievements made in obtaining power from solar energy during the last three years and the current year;

(c) the targets fixed for generation of power from solar energy in the Tenth and Eleventh Plan periods;

(d) whether the Government proposes to provide additional subsidy to solar energy based units so as to popularize the use of solar power amongst the masses; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a),(b),(c),(d)&(e): A statement is laid on the Table of the House.


Statement referred to in reply to the Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 106 for 10.07.2009 regarding Subsidy to Solar Power Plants

(a): The Government is promoting development of the renewable energy sector through a mix of fiscal and financial incentives that include capital/ interest subsidy, accelerated depreciation, nil/ concessional excise and customs duties. This apart, preferential tariff for grid interactive renewable power is being given in many States.

(b): During the last three years and the current year solar photovoltaic home lighting systems, solar lanterns, solar streetlights and SPV power plants of capacity aggregating to 9.35 MW have been installed in the country under the Ministry’s Programme. In addition, 2532 nos. of remote villages and hamlets have been covered with solar lighting systems during this period.

(c): The targets of about 20 MW and 50 MW were fixed for the generation of power from solar energy in the 10th and 11th Plan periods respectively.

(d)&(e): The Ministry is implementing a scheme on mega-watt capacity grid interactive solar power generation projects on build own and operate basis for which Ministry provides generation based incentive for feeding power to the grid. In addition, Ministry has recently launched demonstration programme on
(i) Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Systems which aims at reducing the diesel power generation during the day time; and
(ii) Tail-end grid connected solar power plants which aim at providing additional power during the day time and also strengthen the rural grid. Ministry provides central financial assistance for the installation of such projects.