Question : Tehbazari Shops Alloted in NDMC

(a) whether the Government has allowed the sale/transfer of Tehbazari shops allotted to divyangjan under the control of New Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC);

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reason therefore;

(c) whether the details of Tehbazari shop owners have been fully digitized and made available into public domain;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) the details of requests received so far from the legal heirs (family members) of allotted persons who died or suffers from any permanent disability of Tehbazari in NDMC area for transfer in the name of legal heirs, year-wise;

(f) details of such requests cleared and still pending so far and the reasons for the pendency, year-wise; and

(g) the details of documents required for transferring of Tehbazari in the name of legal heirs of and the details of legal heirs who have submitted complete/required documents to transfer the Tehbazari in their names?

Answer given by the minister



LS.USQ. NO.2521 FOR 03.08.2021

(a) & (b): The NDMC has informed that as per Section 2.1.3 of the Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Scheme, 2019, a Certificate of Vending (COV) is issued in the name of the registered Street Vendor only and is non-transferable except in case of incapacity, insanity or demise of the registered vendor. Further, as per Section 2.1.10 of the said Scheme a vendor cannot transfer in any manner whatsoever, including sell or rent or lend, the Certificate of Vending to any other person. The vendor cannot sub-let the vending site assigned to him.
(c) & (d): The details of authorized Tehbazari shop owners are available on NDMC website.
(e) & (f): The year-wise details of application received from legal heirs by NDMC since 2015 are as under:
Year Nos. of applications received
2015 10
2016 12
2017 09
2018 09
2019 11
2020 40
Total 91

LS.USQ. NO.2521 FOR 03.08.2021

After enactment of Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regulation of Street Vending) Act, 2014, no such request has been considered by NDMC, as now such power is vested with Town Vending Committee (TVC) under the Act.
(g): As per the Act, the request for transferring of Tehbazari in the name of legal heirs is considered by the TVC on the basis of Aadhaar Card, Voter Identity Card, Death Certificate of Allottee, Allotment Letter, No Objection Certificate of family members and other relevant documents as required by the TVC at the time of consideration of such application.


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