Question : Incidents of Ragging

(a) whether the Government has received complaints from students regarding incidents
of suicides and ragging in educational institutes located in different parts of the
country including Delhi, NCR, and Jaipur;
(b) if so, the State-wise and location wise details of complaints received in this regard;
(c) the details of actions taken on the complaints received during the last three years
and the current financial year;
(d) whether the Government proposes to enact any stringent law to curb the incidents of
ragging in future; and
(e) if so, the details thereof and the time by which this scheme is likely to be

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): Yes, Madam. The details of incidents of suicides and ragging in educational
institutes located in different parts of the country, including Delhi, NCR and Jaipur (Statewise
and location-wise), during the last three years and action taken/punishment thereto
are available at the website
(d) & (e): The University Grants Commission (UGC) has brought out the UGC
Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009
on 17.6.2009 .These UGC Regulations have further been amended and are applicable to
all Higher Educational Institutions across the country. They provide for a number of
punitive and prohibitive measures, including stopping of grants by the UGC and also
withdrawal of affiliation/recognition or other privileges conferred, if Higher Educational
Institutions fail to comply with any of the provisions of regulations or fail to curb ragging
Hon’ble Supreme Court had appointed Anti- Ragging Monitoring Committee
under the Chairmanship of Dr. R. K. Raghavan, former CBI Director. The Committee is
also monitoring cases of ragging regularly.
Further, to curb the menace of ragging, the UGC has issued a circular on
23.2.2016 to all Universities to implement the Anti-Ragging Regulations and take strict
action against those flouting the guidelines. The UGC has also made it mandatory for all
Educational Institutions to incorporate in their prospectus the directions of the
Government regarding anti-ragging. An Anti-Ragging toll free “helpline” 1800-180-5522
has been made operational by the UGC with Call Centre facilities for helping victims of
ragging, besides facilitating effective coordinated action by all concerned. A mobile
application has also been developed for Anti-Ragging. During the year 2015-16, MHRD
had released an amount of Rs.5 Crore to the UGC for awareness on Anti-Ragging
measures through the media. The necessary regulations to prevent ragging are already in
place and it is felt that a separate Central Law on this subject, which is a mere
reproduction of the existing Anti-Ragging Regulations, may be redundant.

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