(a) the target set for production of coal during the Ninth Five Year Plan;

(b) whether the above target has been achieved;

(c) if so, the details with regard to the annual demand and consumption of coal in the country; and

(d) the steps being taken by the Government to become self- reliant in the production of coal?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): The target of coal production as assessed by Planning Commission for the terminal year of 9th Five Year Plan i.e. 2001- 02 and actual (provisional) for the current year upto September, 2001 is given below:

(in million tonnes)
Original Mid-Term Annual Plan Actual Appraisal 2001-02 (Provisional) upto September, 2001
370.60 328.86 322.73 141.823

(c): The details of demand (as assessed by the Planning Commission) and consumption of coal in the country during 2000-01 is given below:
(in million tonnes)
Items 2000-01 Demand 333.85 Consumption + 334.42
+ Provisional

(d): The following strategies have been formulated to enable coal sector to become self-reliant in the coal production.

(1) To open new mines and increase efficiency and productivity in the existing mines by modernisation, application of new technologies and to ensure timely availability of inputs and infra-structural facilities

(2) To take steps to remove the bottlenecks in land acquisition and forest land clearance for speedier implementation of coal projects.

(3) To take steps to securitise the outstanding coal sale dues of coal Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) against defaulting SEBs.

(4) To take steps in co-ordination with the Railways to remove the transportation bottlenecks in coalfield areas having potential for enhanced production.

(5) Apart from above Coal India Ltd. is making concerted efforts to reduce the production cost of coal by resorting to various measures viz. rationalisation of manpower, improvement in capacity utilisation, removal of bottlenecks in timely completion of coal projects, judicious planning, economy in expenditure, and maintaining good industrial relations.

(6) To take steps to improve the quality of coal through selective mining and beneficiation.

(7) To supplement the resources required for investment in new projects and infuse modern technology and management systems and practices by entering into joint venture for development of green field project.

(8) To integrate environmental & social mitigation measures with mine development plans.

(9) The Government is also planning to effect necessary legislative amendments to facilitate entry of private sector in commercial coal mining.