Question : National Biofuels Policy

(a) whether Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) proposes to set up 12 advanced biofuel refineries in various States including Maharashtra and if so, the details thereof along with any plan to increase biofuel plant refinery capacity to 100 tonnes a day from 12 tonnes a day;
(b) the percentage of bio-diesel exported out of total production and the percentage of bio-diesel being consumed in the country;
(c) the steps taken by the Government to promote use of ethanol so as to generate employment opportunities in the rural areas and help in environment protection, State/UT-wise;
(d) whether the Government proposes to introduce a new policy on ethanol manufacturing and trading and establish manufacturing of ethanol through the OMCs to provide remunerative price of sugarcane to the farmers in the country; and
(e) if so, the details thereof along with name of the OMCs which have entered into manufacturing of ethanol in the country, OMCs/location-wise?

Answer given by the minister

(a) : Oil PSUs have planned to setup 12 Second Generation (2G) Ethanol Bio-refineries in 11 States of the country.
In Maharashtra, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd. has identified a location at Khamgaon, District Buldhana for setting up 2G ethanol bio-refinery.
(b) : As per Biodiesel Association of India (BDAI), 91% of biodiesel was sold in domestic market and 9% was exported during 2017-18.
(c) : In order to improve the availability of ethanol, the Government introduced the administered price mechanism for procurement of ethanol for blending with petrol in December, 2014. The Government also allowed lignocellulosic and petrochemical route for procurement of ethanol in December 2014. The Government has revised the ex-mill price of ethanol for the ethanol supply year 2017-18 at Rs. 40.85/per litre in November 2017. Additionally, GST and transportation charges are being paid by OMCs.
(d) & (e): The Government through Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), is implementing Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme under which, OMCs sell ethanol blended petrol with ethanol blending percentage upto 10%, subject to the availability of ethanol.
Oil PSUs procure ethanol from manufacturers by inviting Expressions of Interest (EoIs).

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