Question : Agricultural Education

(a) the number of agricultural universities in the country functioning at present, location and State-wise along with the number of graduate and post graduate students who pass out from these universities every year;

(b) whether it is a fact that very few students opt for agriculture or any other activity in rural areas of the country, if so, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether as per the assessment of the Government there is a lack of graduate and post graduate courses in agriculture which causes under development of agriculture sector, if so, the corrective steps taken by the government in this regard;

(d) whether the Government proposes to formulate any scheme to attract young generations to opt for agriculture related work by providing them special incentives, if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps taken by the Government to upgrade agricultural education in the country and make agriculture an attractive, profitable and employment generating profession?

Answer given by the minister


(a) At present there are 73 Agricultural Universities (AUs) including 05 Deemed-to-be universities, 02 Central Agricultural Universities, 04 Central Universities with agriculture faculty. The State/location –wise list of AUs is at Annexure-I.

The number of students who got graduation/post graduation in the said universities is as under:-

No. of graduate and post-graduate students passed out from
different Agricultural universities
2012 2013 2014 2015
22739 23892 24326 24736

(b) The number of students opting for agriculture is on the rise every year. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is conducting All India Entrance Examination every year for filling up of 15% and 25% seats respectively for undergraduate and post-graduate degree programmes every year. The number of students appeared for these exams in the last three years are indicated below:-

Number of students appeared
Year UG PG Ph.D Total
2013 96069 23785 1546 121400
2014 129116 26972 2109 158197
2015 122122 30035 4797 156954

The percentage of students opting for Agriculture and allied sciences for the last three years is indicated below :

Year UG PG
2013 58.31 51.17
2014 57.74 52.15
2015 57.00 53.00

(c) No, it is not so. Agriculture Education Division of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) has initiated number of steps for quality assurance, i.e., accreditation of all Agricultural Universities, ranking of all Agricultural Universities as per standard of education, enhancing number of scholarships and fellowships for students and enhancing competency of faculty, etc.

• The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is implementing a Plan scheme, ‘Strengthening and Development of Higher Agricultural Education in India’ with an approved outlay of Rs.2900 crores during the XII plan. The scheme strives to plan, undertake, aid, promote and coordinate agricultural education in the country with an aim to enhance the quality and relevance of higher agricultural education to address the emerging challenges in the agriculture sector.
• To attract and sustain the interest of youth in agriculture education, the ICAR provides stipend and Fellowship/assistance under various programmes both at undergraduate (UG) and post graduate (PG) level viz. Rural Awareness Work Experience (RAWE) and National Talent Scholarships (NTS) for the UG students, Senior Research Fellowships (SRF) and Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) for PG and UG students respectively. Experiential Learning modules for developing entrepreneurship skills and confidence among UG students and assistance in the form of fellowship for global exposure to the agriculture students.
• ICAR has also revised syllabus of undergraduate education of Agriculture and its allied sub-sectors including Horticulture, Dairy Technology, Food Technology, Fisheries, Biotechnology, Agril. Engineering, Forestry, Home Science and Sericulture. The new syllabus is a blend of education with entrepreneurship programme of one year (student READY and employment).
• The Government of India has launched a Central Sector Scheme viz. Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centre (AC&ABC) in 2002 to attract education youth in agriculture sector for creation of self employment opportunities alongwith providing extension services to the farmers. Since inception of the scheme 47955 candidates have been trained and 20934 agri-ventures have been established in the country till 30.06.2016. The details of the scheme are annexed (Annexure-II).
• Besides, realizing the importance of rural youth in agriculture development, Govt. of India has initiated a programme on ‘Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture’ (ARYA) during the XII plan. The objectives of the ARYA project are (i) to attract and empower the youth in Rural areas to take up various Agriculture, allied and service sector enterprises for sustainable income and gainful employment in selected districts, (ii) to enable the Farm Youth to establish network groups to take up resource and capital intensive activities like processing, value addition and marketing; and (iii) to demonstrate functional linkage with different institutions and stakeholders for convergence of opportunities available under various schemes/programme for sustainable development of Youth. ARYA project is being implemented in 25 States through KVKs, one district from each State with technical partners from ICAR institutes and Agricultural Universities.

• For the upgradation of course curricula in UG and PG programmes, the fifth Deans Committee Report and Broad Subject Matter Area (BSMA) Report in various discipline respectively have been released to make agricultural education attractive, profitable and employment generating profession.
• Various programmes like RAWE , NTS, SRF, JRF, ARYA and AC&ABC are being implemented to make agriculture an attractive, profitable and employment generating profession.
• One year course for articulating concept of entrepreneurship in the form of Student READY (Rural Enterpreneurship Awareness Development Yojana) has also been added in undergraduate education of Agriculture & its allied sub sectors.


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