Question : Skill Development Programmes for Uneducated People

(a) the details of skill development programmes in the country for the uneducated people, course-wise, programme-wise; and

(b) the details of the number of beneficiaries under these programmes during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise, programme-wise, thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (b) There are over 70 skill development schemes across various sectors implemented by over 20 Central Ministries/Departments to promote skilling of all people including the uneducated, in the Country. Funds under these schemes are provided by the concerned Ministries/Departments to the implementing agencies including States in accordance with the guidelines issued for the schemes.

Details of people including uneducated trained under various skill development schemes/programmes of over 20 Central Ministries/Departments for the year 2012-13 to 2015-16 (upto June, 2015) are as under:-
(Figures in lakhs)


Number of persons trained
2012-2013 51.88
2013-2014 76.37
2014-2015 76.12
2015-2016 (upto June, 2015) 09.73

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