Question : MSP for Milk

(a) whether the Co-operative societies sell milk to the consumers at the rate of Rs. 50 to 55 per litre but give only Rs. 25- 30 per litre to the farmers and stock farmers of the country who give important contribution to the market and dairy industry, if so, the details thereof;
(b) whether the Government proposes to provide Minimum Support Price (MSP) for milk and milk products to the farmers so that they can get remunerative prices for their products; and
(c) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) This Department does not regulate the prices of milk in the country. The procurement and sale price of milk and milk products for cooperative sector are determined by the dairy cooperatives in consultation with the State Dairy Federation and State Government on the basis of input cost of milk production.
As per the information received from National Dairy Development Board, the Co-operative societies sell full cream milk (6% fat and 9% solid not fat) to the consumers at the rate of Rs. 45 to 54 per litre and pay Rs. 28- 40 per litre for milk (6% fat and 9% solid not fat) to the farmers. By and large, 60% to 75% of the consumer price of milk is transferred to farmers by the cooperatives.
(b) No Madam. The Government do not propose to provide Minimum Support Price (MSP) for milk and milk products.
(c) Does not arise

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