Question : National Plan of Action for Children- 2016

(a) whether the Government has finalised the National Plan of Action for Children (NPAC), 2016 and if so, the salient features thereof;
(b) if not, the present status of the plan along with the time of its finalisation;
(c) whether the Government has also received any recommendations from NPAC for development of the children in the country;
(d) if so, the details thereof along with the follow up action by the Government thereon; and
(e) the other schemes and programmes implemented by the Government for development of children during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, the Ministry of Women and Child Development has released NPAC, 2016 on 24th January 2017. It addresses four key priority areas of child rights; (i) survival, health and nutrition; (ii) education and development; (iii) protection and (iv) participation. It takes a sustainable, multi-sectoral, integrated and inclusive approach and focuses on strengthening the initiatives so that they are able to protect the rights of the children. The plan also highlights new and emerging concerns for children such as online child abuse, children affected by natural and man-made disasters and climate change, etc.

(b) Does not arise.

(c) & (d) NPAC was developed through a consultative process. During the preparation of the document, Ministry has received many recommendations for holistic development of children which were incorporated appropriately.

(e) The Ministry is administering Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme which is a centrally sponsored scheme aiming at holistic development of children below 6 years of age and pregnant women & lactating mothers, by providing a package of six services comprising (i) Supplementary nutrition (ii) Pre-school non-formal education (iii) Nutrition and health Education (iv) immunization (v) Health check-up and (vi) Referral services through Anganwadi Centres at grassroots level. The scheme is since universalized and open to all eligible beneficiaries without any discrimination on the basis of age group, gender, marital status, including tribal community across the country.


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