(a) whether the Government has received complaints of discrimination against the minorities in the matter of employment, housing facility, schooling of their children, obtaining loans from the banks, etc.;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the action taken/being taken by the Government against such discrimination during the last three years and the current year;

(c) whether the Sachar Committee has recommended the Government to frame a legal mechanism to address the complaints of discrimination against the minorities;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the action taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e) A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (e) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question No.346 to be answered on 21/3/2013 asked by Shri E.T. Mohammed Basheer regarding Discrimination against Minorities

(a) and (b) The National Commission for Minorities has been established to perform the functions which, inter-alia, include looking into specific complaints regarding deprivation of rights and safeguard of the minorities and take up such matters with the appropriate authorities. Accordingly, the complaints received relating to Service Matters, Education Matters, Economic Matters, Waqf Matters etc. have been disposed of or taken up with the appropriate authorities for redressal. The details of complaints received during the last three years and the current year are as under:

Year	No. of complaints	No. of cases disposed of/taken	No. of cases	received	up with appropriate authorities	under	examination/	process

2009-10 2268 2268 NIl

2010-11 2378 2378 NIl

2011-12 2439 2439 NIl

2012-13 1989 1395 594 (up to 19th March, 2013

(c) to (e) As per the recommendation of the Sachar Committee, Government has proposed to constitute an Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) to look into the grievances of the deprived groups of minorities. The draft EOC Bill prepared on the basis of report of an Expert Group, has been examined in consultation with the concerned Ministries/Departments. The Cabinet while considering the draft Bill on EOC, constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) to examine all issues relating to setting up of an EOC including those relating to its jurisdiction. The GoM recommended to set up the EOC for Minority Communities. Accordingly, a draft EOC Bill, 2013 has been prepared for minorities which is under consideration of the Government.