Question : Deployment of NDRF

(a) whether less deployment of battalions of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) has affected the functioning and preparedness of the NDRF in view of the unforeseen disaster occurring in the country and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the details of battalions of National Disaster Response Force functioning at present, location-wise;

(b) whether the amount spent on procurement and upgradation of the equipments used for disaster response has increased year after year and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government proposes to increase the budgetary allocation for this purpose and if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether any review has been conducted regarding full preparedness of the National Disaster Response Force in view of the unforeseen disaster occurring in the country and if so, the details and outcome thereof; and

(e) the other steps taken by the Government to deploy the required NDRF personnel to meet the unforeseen disaster occurring in the country?

Answer given by the minister



L.S.US.Q.NO.3429 FOR 01.01.2019

(a): The primary responsibility of undertaking rescue, relief and rehabilitation measures in the event of a natural disaster rests with the concerned State Government. The Central Government, wherever required, supplements the efforts of the State Governments by providing logistic and financial support in cases of natural disasters of severe nature and beyond coping capacity of the State resources.

The Ministry of Home Affairs remains in constant touch with the States for providing assistance to States for effective relief & response in the event of a disaster. The National Disaster Responsive Force (NDRF) is deployed in consultation with the concerned State Government as per their requirement.

There is no case of less deployment of NDRF. At present, 12 NDRF Battalions and 26 Regional Response Centre (RRCs) are in a state of readiness to respond in the event of a calamitous situation, across the country. The location of NDRF Battalions are given at Annexure-A.

(b) & (c): Up-gradation of equipments in NDRF and resultant increase in budget allocation is a continuous process.

Details of financial expenditure on procurement of equipment by NDRF during the last 5 years is given below:


L.S.US.Q.NO.3429 FOR 01.01.2019

Financial Year Expenditure (in Rs. crores)
2013-14 22.36
2014-15 14.47
2015-16 27.50
2016-17 26.81
2017-18 25.40
2018-19 34.06

(d): Operational preparedness and training of all the NDRF Battalions are regularly monitored and reviewed, in view of unforeseen disasters occurring in the country as detailed below:

(i) Capacity Building programmes of NDRF as well as of various stakeholders including school safety programmes are undertaken to enhance preparedness of the community.

(ii) Mock Drills of the Force are conducted regularly including mock drills for various stakeholders such as Indian Railways, State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Multi Accidental Hazardous Industries (MAH) and schools;

(iii) Improvement in response time of actual deployment during disaster; and

L.S.US.Q.NO.3429 FOR 01.01.2019

(iv) Training and capacity building of State Disaster Response Forces (SDRF) and other state personnel responsible for ensuring response and relief measures.

(v) International workshop/ field exercise are also undertaken by NDRF to acquaint the Force with the latest international standards.

(vi) Functioning of NDRF Academy to train NDRF personnel/SDRF personnel in various disaster management courses.

(e) NDRF has 12 Battalions which are deployed at various places in the country as per vulnerability profile. Besides, 26 Regional Response Centres (RRC) are also established for quick and timely response during disasters.


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