Question : Complaints against Delhi Police Officers

(a) whether the number of complaints received regarding the conduct of the Delhi Police Officers is increasing every year;
(b) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government in this regard;
(c) the measures taken by the Government for stringent action on these complaints and to have a check on corruption in the Delhi Police Department;
(d) whether under the present law, the police officers convicted in the corruption cases are reinstated after some time; and
(e) if so, the reformative steps taken by the Government in this regard and the success achieved as a result thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (b): The details of complaints received and action taken against the erring police personnel during the year 2014 and 2015 (upto 30/11/2015) are as under:

Year Complaints received Complaints substantiated Complaints not substantiated Complaints pending enquiry Action taken
Major Punishment Minor Punishment
2014 14290 434 12572 1284 13 242
2015 (upto 30.11.15) 13328 394 8849 4085 12 347


LS.US.Q.No.1521 FOR 08.12.2015
(c): Various steps taken to prevent the incidents of corruption in Delhi Police are as under:

1. A Vigilance Branch headed by Spl. CP/Vig. is functioning to check corrupt practices of police personnel. Five toll free numbers i.e. 23417995, 23416401, 23416402, 23416403 and 23416404 have been dedicated for the convenience of General public to send complaints regarding corruption in Delhi Police. Besides, Public Grievances Cells have also been set up in each District.

2. In order to restore public confidence in police, deterrent action is taken by the Delhi Police in cases where policemen are found involved in malpractices. This includes suspension, transferring to non-sensitive units, initiating disciplinary action for major/minor penalty including dismissal and registering criminal cases against them.

3. The public has the facility to ring up senior officers, PCR and telephone No. 23417995 of the Flying Squad of Vigilance Branch in case of any harassment by police officials. In addition, a toll free anti-corruption helpline 1064 is functioning in Vigilance unit since April 2014. In order to encourage the general public to be more vigilant about corrupt activities of police, there is also a facility of P.O. Box No.171 through which public can send complaints against corrupt policemen.

4. Delhi Police advertises telephone numbers of District DCsP along with their fax numbers and e-mail addresses.

5. The staff is briefed/ instructed regularly by the senior officers at various levels to refrain from indulging in corrupt activities.

6. A single window system is at place at PHQ for monitoring & tracking of complaints.

7. A number of steps have been taken recently to encourage members of public to call or send SMS/Whatsapp messages to the Anti-corruption helpline (no. 9910641064) of Delhi Police.


LS.US.Q.No.1521 FOR 08.12.2015
8. Advertisements in media, through posters and FM radio Jingles are issued regularly to encourage public to report corruption misdeeds of the police to the helpline number.
(d) to (e): Action is taken against the police officers who are convicted in any corruption/criminal case, after examining the matter under Rule 11 of Delhi Police (Punishment & Appeal) Rules, 1980. If in the opinion of the disciplinary authority, an offence is such as would render the retention of the convicted police officer in service, prima facie, undesirable, an order is forthwith made dismissing or removing him from service without calling upon him to show cause against the proposed action.

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