(a): A statement showing the number of OCIs registered till 31.07.2013 is attached.
(b): As reported by 107 Indian Missions and Posts abroad, 11,672 applications for OCI
registration are in different stages of processing.
(c): The facilities available to OCIs are as follows:-
(i) A multiple entry, multi-purpose life long visa for visiting India.
(ii) Exemption from registration with local police authorities for any length of stay
in India.
(iii) Parity with Non-resident Indians (NRIs) in respect of economic, financial and educational
fields except in relation to acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties.
(iv) Obtain pan card and driving license (if they are resident in India)
(v) Open a regular bank account in India while in India.
(vi) Parity with NRIs in respect of (a) entry fees to be charged for visiting the national
monuments, historical sites and museum in India.
(vii) Parity with NRIs in the matter of inter-country adoption of Indian children, tariffs in
air fares in domestic sectors in India and charging of entry fee as domestic Indian visitors
to visit national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in India.
(Viii) State Governments to ensure that OCI registration booklets of OCIs are treated as their
identification for any services rendered by them. In case proof of residence is required, OCI
may give an affidavit attested by a notary public stating that a particular specific address
may be treated as their place of residence in India and may also in their affidavit give their
overseas residential address as well as e- mail address, if any.