(a) the number of persons brought above poverty line in various states including Maharashtra during the last three years till date alongwith the number of people still living below poverty line; and

(b) the number of people belonging to SC/STs among them, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Planning Commission estimates the number of persons living below the poverty line using data from the quinquennial rounds of National Sample survey Organisation (NSSO) on household consumption expenditure. The last such survey was carried out in 1999-2000, and as such the data for the last three years are not available. Based on the last two such rounds of NSSO conducted in 1993-94 and 1999-2000, the total number of persons living below poverty line in rural and urban areas and at all India level including Maharashtra is given below in table.

Total number of persons living below poverty line(in lakhs)
Years	Rural	Urban	Combined	All India level
1993-94	2440.31	763.37	3203.68
1999-2000	1932.43	670.07	2602.50	Maharashtra
1993-94	193.33	111.90	305.22
1999-2000	125.12	102.87	227.99
The state-wise estimates of number of persons living below poverty line including Maharashtra for 1993-94 and 1999-2000 is given in Annexure-I.

(b): The state-wise table on percentage of SC and ST population living below the poverty line using data from the quinquennial rounds of NSSO on household consumer expenditure for the year 1993-94 and 1999-2000 is given in Annexure II and Annexure III.

Number of Persons Living Below Poverty Line.	(in lakhs)
S.No.	States/U.T.`s	1993-94	1999-2000
-	Rural	Urban Combined	Rural	Urban	Combined
1	2 3 5 7	3 5 7

1. Andhra Pradesh 79.49 74.47 153.97 58.13 60.88 119.01 2. Arunachal Pradesh 3.62 0.11 3.73 3.80 0.18 3.98 3. Assam 94.33 2.03 96.36 92.17 2.38 94.55 4. Bihar 450.86 42.49 493.35 376.51 49.13 425.64 5. Goa 0.38 1.53 1.91 0.11 0.59 0.70 6. Gujarat 62.16 43.02 105.19 39.80 28.09 67.89 7 Haryana 36.56 7.31 43.88 11.94 5.39 17.34 8. Himachal Pradesh 15.40 0.46 15.86 4.84 0.29 5.12 9. Jammu & Kashmir 19.05 1.86 20.92 2.97 0.49 3.46 10. Karnataka 95.99 60.46 156.46 59.91 44.49 104.40 11. Kerala 55.95 20.46 76.41 20.97 20.07 41.04 12. Madhya Pradesh 216.19 82.33 298.52 217.32 81.22 298.54 13. Maharashtra 193.33 111.90 305.22 125.12 102.87 227.99 14. Manipur 6.33 0.47 6.80 6.53 0.66 7.19 15. Meghalaya 7.09 0.29 7.38 7.89 0.34 8.23 16. Mizoram 1.64 0.30 1.94 1.40 0.45 1.85 17. Nagaland 4.85 0.20 5.05 5.21 0.28 5.49 18. Orissa 140.90 19.70 160.60 143.69 25.40 169.09 19. Punjab 17.76 7.35 25.11 10.20 4.29 14.49 20. Rajasthan 94.68 33.82 128.50 55.06 26.78 81.83 21. Sikkim 1.81 0.03 1.84 2.00 0.04 2.05 22. Tamil Nadu 121.70 80.40 202.10 80.51 49.97 130.48 23. Tripura 11.41 0.38 11.79 12.53 0.49 13.02 24. Uttar Pradesh 496.17 108.28 604.46 412.01 117.88 529.89 25. West Bengal 209.90 44.66 254.56 180.11 33.38 213.49 26. A & N Island 0.73 0.33 1.06 0.58 0.24 0.82 27. Chandigarh 0.07 0.73 0.80 0.06 0.45 0.51 28. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 0.72 0.06 0.77 0.30 0.03 0.33 29. Daman & Diu 0.03 0.15 0.18 0.01 0.05 0.06 30. Delhi 0.19 15.32 15.51 0.07 11.42 11.49 31. Lakshadweep 0.06 0.08 0.14 0.03 0.08 0.11 32. Pondicherry 0.93 2.38 3.31 0.64 1.77 2.41 All India 2440.31 763.37 3203.68 1932.43 670.07 2602.50
Percentage of SC and ST Population below Poverty Line by States for 1993-94
-	Rural	Urban
S.No. States	Sched- Sched-	All	Sched-	Sched-	All	uled	uled Popul-	uled	uled	Popul-	Caste	Tribe	ation	Caste	Tribe	ation
1 Andhra Pradesh	26.02	25.66	15.92	43.82	46.68	38.33
2 Assam	45.38	41.44	45.01	14.34	7.11	7.73
3 Bihar	70.66	69.75	58.21	55.16	35.76	34.50
4 Gujarat	32.26	31.20	22.18	44.99	35.47	27.89
5 Haryana	46.56	41.55	28.02	23.58	0.00	16.38
6 Himachal Pradesh	36.89	63.94	30.34	18.52	0.00	9.18
7 Karnataka	46.36	37.33	29.88	61.59	62.05	40.14
8 Kerala	36.43	37.34	25.76	31.59	1.08	24.55
9 Madhya Pradesh	45.83	56.69	40.64	65.00	65.28	48.38
10 Maharashtra	51.64	50.38	37.93	52.56	61.06	35.15
11 Orissa	48.95	71.26	49.72	47.45	64.85	41.64
12 Punjab	22.08	27.00	11.95	27.96	0.00	11.35
13 Rajasthan	38.38	46.23	26.46	48.63	13.21	30.49
14 Tamil Nadu	44.05	44.37	32.48	61.50	30.08	39.77
15 Uttar Pradesh	58.99	37.11	42.28	58.02	36.89	35.39
16 West Bengal	45.29	61.95	40.80	37.73	19.41	22.41	All India	48.11	51.94	37.27	49.48	41.14	32.36
N.B.: 1 The estimates are based on the methodology outlined in the Report of the Expert Group on Estimation of Proportion and Number of Poor.
2 The poverty line for all population is used for SC`s an ST`s.
3 All India poverty ratio is worked out from the NSS distribution of persons and (implicit) all - India poverty line.

Percentage of SC and ST Population below Poverty Line by States for 1999-2000	Rural	Urban
S. States	Sched-	Sched- All	Sched-	Sched- All
No.	uled	uled	uled	uled	Caste	Tribe	Caste	Tribe
1 Andhra Pradesh	16.49	23.82 11.14	41.42	44.99	26.53
2 Assam	44.00	38.73 40.20	19.99	2.70	7.47
3 Bihar	59.81	59.68 44.22	51.91	39.47	32.95
4 Gujarat	17.77	29.11 13.17	29.13	36.66	15.59
5 Haryana	19.03 - 8.27	25.38 -	9.99
6 Himachal Pradesh	13.15	5.73 7.94	6.74 -	4.63
7 Karnataka	26.22	25.49 17.36	47.01	51.37	25.25
8 Kerala	14.64	24.20 9.38	24.15 -	20.27
9 Madhya Pradesh	41.29	56.26 37.09	54.24	52.59	38.54
10 Maharashtra	33.27	43.56 23.82	39.88	42.98	26.91
11 Orissa	51.83	73.93 48.13	70.59	59.59	43.13
12 Punjab	12.39	17.99 6.44	11.30	12.95	5.80
13 Rajasthan	19.62	25.27 13.65	41.82	20.71	19.85
14 Taiml Nadu	32.59	43.20 20.55	44.94	5.22	22.17
15 Uttar Pradesh	43.65	34.06 31.22	43.51	13.27	30.90
16 West Bengal	35.10	50.02 31.82	28.15	31.88	14.86
17 All India	36.25	45.86 27.11	38.47	34.75	23.65
(i) The Poverty Line for all population is used for SC`s and ST`s.
(ii) All India poverty ratio is worked out from the NSS distribution of persons and (implicit) all-India poverty line.