(a) whether the Government are collecting progress reports from State Governments on distribution of surplus land;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) the details of surplus land, area possessed for distribution among the landless people and the number of beneficiaries thereof, State-wise; and

(d) the role of Union Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister

Minister of State For Rural Development (Prof. Rita Verma)

(a) Yes Sir.

(b) Since inception, the total quantum of land declared surplus in the entire country is 73.49 lakh acres, out of which about 64.84 lakh acres have been taken possession of and 52.99 lakh acres have been distributed to 55.10 lakh beneficiaries of whom 36 per cent belong to Scheduled Castes and 15 per cent to Scheduled Tribes.

(c) State-wise details of surplus land, area taken possession of, area distributed among the landlesss people and the number of beneficiaries are given in the Annexure-I.

(d) Land is a State subject. Union Government is only monitoring the progress of distribution of Ceiling Surplus Lands by collecting progress reports from State Governments/UTs.

ANNEXURE-I referred to in part(c) of Answer.


S.No	States/Uts	Declared	Taken	Total No Distri. To	Surplus	possession	benef. indiv.bene.
1 Andhra Pradesh 792762 640180 581568 534603 2 Assam 612500 575337 483951 444997 3 Bihar 415447 390752 306964 379528 4 Gujarat 227404 160190 139748 32174 5 Haryana 107517 102534 102027 29203 6 Himachal Pra 316556 304895 4374 6365 7 Jammu & Kashmir 455575 450000 450000 450000 8 Karnataka 268478 161834 121070 32880 9 Kerala 139548 96253 66669 156568 10 Madhya Pradesh 298763 260323 186942 74705 11 Maharastra 739206 670237 642002 140462 12 Manipur 1830 1685 1682 1258 13 Orissa 178503 167143 156494 138599 14 Punjab 223115 105801 104199 28570 15 Rajasthan 610676 568331 460879 81129 16 Tamil Nadu 199729 190237 178801 141680 17 Tripura 1995 1944 1598 1424 18 Uttar Pradesh 374125 341464 258698 294062 19 West Bengal 1372074 1283059 1042716 536317 20 D&N Haveli 9406 9305 6851 3353 21 Delhi 1132 394 394 654 22 Pondicherry 2326 1185 1046 1427
Total 7348667 6483713 5298673 5509958