Question : Mission Indradhanush

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government has taken steps to realise the objective set under Mission Indradhanush which inter alia includes full immunisation coverage to 90 per cent for all children by 2020;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with year-wise milestones to be achieved by the Government and if not, the reasons therefor including the reasons for revising the targets;

(c) the State-wise details of funds allocated, released and utilised for Mission Indradhanush along with district-wise details of Uttar Pradesh during the last two years;

(d) the district-wise details of activities conducted along with beneficiaries covered under Mission Indradhanush in Uttar Pradesh; and

(e) the State-wise details of funds allocated, released and utilised along with beneficiaries covered under various schemes and programmes for immunisation of women and children except Mission Indradhanush along with district-wise details of the same for Uttar Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): Yes, in order to realize the objective set under Mission Indradhanush, the Government has completed three phases of Mission Indradhanush across 497 districts and the fourth phase is ongoing in 68 districts across 8 north eastern states since February’17. As on 28th March 2017, more than 2.1 crore children have been reached of which more than 55 lakh children have been fully immunized under Mission Indradhanush. The target for Mission Indradhanush is to increase the full immunization coverage of children to at least 90% and sustain the same through health system strengthening by 2020. No year-wise milestones have been sent for Mission Indradhanush and the target has remained the same since the launch of Mission Indradhanush.

(c): No separate funds are allocated for Mission Indradhanush; the funds of routine immunization are utilized for Mission Indradhanush activities.


(d): During the three phases of Mission Indradhanush, special immunization drives to cover unvaccinated and partially vaccinated children have been conducted across 66 districts of Uttar Pradesh. The details of beneficiaries are given at Annexure-1.

(e): The state-wise details of funds allocated, released and utilized along with the beneficiaries covered under various schemes and programmes for immunization of women and children are given at Annexure-2 & the district-wise details of the same for Uttar Pradesh are given at Annexure-3.

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