
(a) whether the Government has any plan to set up Intellectual Property Centers all over the country,

(b) if so, the details thereof,

(c) the aims and objectives of setting up of Intellectual Property Centers,

(d) the number of Intellectual Property Centers that have been given sanctions in the country, and the number among those that are currently operational,

(e) whether the Government has put in place a monitoring mechanism to check the functioning of these IP centers; and

(f) if so, the details thereof, and if not the reasons thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a)&(b): Under the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India is implementing a Scheme “ Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises”. In this scheme, setting up of Intellectual Property facilitation center (IPFC) is one of the main activity, besides other defined activities. Under the scope & coverage of the scheme IP facilitation Centers for MSMEs are setup in different regions of the country.

(c): The aim of setting up of IP centers are to assist the MSMEs and other prospective entrepreneurs to have an access to best practices for identification, protection and management of IPR as a business tool. The objective of setting up of IPFC is to guide MSME and other target beneficiaries regarding utilisation of IP tools and technologies for better management of their intellectual property related needs.

(d): As on date, Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises has sanctioned 24 IP facilitation centres for MSMEs, out of which, 16 are operational.

(e)&(f): Government has put in place, the following inbuilt monitoring mechanism:
1.The implementing agency for IPFC constitutes a Steering Committee to supervise its activities and to submit the quarterly progress report to the Central Govt. to monitor the functioning of IPFC. The said Steering Committee has representatives from Industry, State Government, MSME-Development Institute of the concerned region and other experts in the field of IPR.
2.A representative from the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India / Member(s) of Project Implementation Committee (PIC), constituted for implementation of IPR scheme, may visit IPFC to get information on the progress being made and verify the services being provided by the IPFC.
3.Separate accounts in respect of funds released by Government of India for setting up of IPFC are maintained by implementing agency and the same is subjected to test check by the PIC through its representatives.