Question : Promotion of Pashmina Shawls

(a) whether the Government has formulated any scheme for promotion of Pashmina Shawls and other fibres that are famous in Jammu and Kashmir, if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether the Government is also considering to set up any textile parks for the same in Jammu and Kashmir, if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Government of India has been providing marketing facilities for all Handloom products including Pashmina Shawls all across the country under Handloom Marketing Assistance (HMA), a component of National Handloom Development Programme (NHDP). Since 2016-17, a total of 678 Handloom Marketing events/expos have been organized in different states to help weavers from all across the country to sell their products. The above product is also registered as Kashmir Pashmina vide application no.46 under Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.

(b): Government of India has sanctioned 2 numbers of Textile Parks in Jammu and Kashmir under Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP). Details are as under:-

No. Name of Textile Park District GoI Share
1 J&K Textile Park, Kathua, Jammu Kathua 39.70
2 Kashmir Wool & Silk Textile Park, Ghatti, J & k Kathua 40.00


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