(a) the storage capacity of chemical fertilizers in the country. State-wise and fertilizer-wise;

(b) whether the lesser quantity of chemical fertilizers stored this year in comparison to that of the last year; and

(c) if so, the reasons therefor and the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): Urea is the only fertilizer under partial movement, distribution and statutory price control of the Government of India. All other fertilizers viz. DAP, MOP, SSP and NPK etc. are decontrolled/ de- canalized since 1992 and are imported under Open General Licence (OGL). The companies import these fertilizers as per the requirement projected by Department of Agriculture & Cooperation. Government is paying subsidy on these fertilizers under Nutrient Based Subsidy policy. Union Government monitors availability of fertilizers at State level and State Governments are responsible for further distribution within the State.

Fertilizers are stored in warehouses owned or hired by private parties/cooperatives/Government undertakings/fertilizer companies/State level agencies like MARKFED etc. dealing in fertilizers. Companies` whole sellers and retailers use godowns to store fertilizers as per their requirement. The information relating to godown capacity existing in various parts of the country which is being used for storage of fertilizers by fertilizer companies and their dealers is not maintained in the Department of Fertiizers.

The availability of fertilizes during the period April`10 to July`10 viz-a-viz corresponding period of last year i.e. April`09 to July`09 is annexed.


States	2009-10	2010-11	2009-10	2010-11	2009-10	2010-11	2009-10	2010-11	Avail-	Avail-	Avail-	Avail-	Avail-	Avail-	Avail-	Avail-	ability	ability	ability	ability	ability	ability	ability	ability

Andhra 618.20 753.12 466.08 440.87 125.22 111.23 553.53 646.87 Pradesh
Karn- 404.26 468.29 496.50 481.19 166.30 142.37 349.70 483.78 ataka
Kerala 53.81 52.94 16.86 17.75 61.22 64.24 82.30 85.60
Tamil 243.09 236.90 141.47 78.07 120.57 107.44 185.97 167.34 Nadu
Gujarat 562.58 590.14 409.07 303.15 73.04 59.62 132.97 206.46
Madhya 379.44 419.58 437.45 376.50 38.82 60.14 54.38 130.02 Pradesh
Chhat- 257.33 273.48 162.32 182.40 44.79 45.65 49.69 67.65 tisgarh
Maha- 835.36 913.08 802.02 676.76 208.62 191.73 369.36 632.66 rashtra
Raja- 331.07 301.76 239.91 200.72 14.61 18.23 13.10 39.47 sthan
Haryana 495.22 565.18 277.27 276.62 18.91 26.02 5.63 36.99
Punjab 792.10 1044.97 271.61 278.60 23.72 38.15 6.33 34.44
Himachal 24.59 29.07 2.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.45 6.52 Pradesh
Jammu & 40.77 71.93 34.38 31.56 0.50 0.94 0.00 0.00 Kashmir
Uttar 1566.98 1610.65 598.54 477.19 57.86 61.25 124.63 477.94 Pradesh
Uttar- 82.23 90.18 21.61 8.41 0.02 1.77 4.61 37.56 akhand
Bihar 427.27 424.26 98.29 103.56 47.01 48.01 85.02 91.73
Jhar- 54.83 56.40 35.31 26.93 5.86 3.61 21.00 14.96 khand
Orissa 136.32 129.44 107.30 110.97 51.05 50.36 128.20 110.42
West 266.18 307.34 173.41 144.73 92.69 68.25 232.69 214.91 Bengal
Assam 89.24 123.23 9.81 10.64 28.07 26.37 4.89 4.60
All 7660.87 8480.74 4788.55 4229.26 1178.88 1126.60 2411.44 3500.42 India