Question : Land Swap with Bangladesh

(a) the details of the area of land handed over by Bangladesh under the Indo-Bangladesh agreement;

(b) whether basic amenities are available in the area handed over to India;

(c) if not, the time by which the basic amenities are likely to be made available, in the said areas;

(d) whether border fencing work has been completed after the Indo-Bangladesh agreement; and

(e) if not, the time by which the said work is likely to be completed?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The ratification of Land Boundary Agreement of 1974 and its Protocol of 2011 has resulted in the exchange of 111 Indian enclaves (with a total area of 17,160.63 acres) in Bangladesh with 51 Bangladeshi enclaves (with a total area of 7,110.02 acres) in India and preservation of the status quo on territories in adverse possession. Moreover, with the adjustment of adverse possession in the implementation of Protocol, India received 2777.038 acres of land and transferred 2267.682 acres of land to Bangladesh.

LS.US.Q.NO.1720 FOR 08.03.2016
(b) & (c): Basic amenities are lacking in the 51 erstwhile Bangladesh enclaves handed over to India. The Government of India has approved a scheme which includes improvement/creation of infrastructure in former Bangladesh enclaves in India to be funded by the Government of India and implemented by the Government of West Bengal over of period of 5 years i.e. 2015-16 to 2019-20.

(d) & (e): The Government has sanctioned barbed wire fencing to the extent of 3326.14 km along the Indo-Bangladesh border. Out of this, fencing to the extent of 2716.57 km has been completed. The on-going works are targeted to be completed by March, 2019.

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