(a) the details of each scheme under Centrally sponsored schemes under his Ministry;

(b) the criteria adopted for allocating funds under each scheme to States and corresponding Central share;

(c) whether the said funds have been provided to the States as 100% grant or it follow the usual 70/30 (loan/grant) formula for plan assistance; and

(d) the details of proposal received from each State in this regard, funds released and utilised by States during the last three years?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): The salient features of Centrally Sponsored Schemes implemented by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation alongwith pattern of assistance, i.e. Central and State share, grant and loan, etc., are given at Annexure-I. Funds to States are allocated/released on the basis of proposals received from States, scope of a scheme in the concerned State, amount lying unspent with the State out of earlier releases made under the Scheme, and overall resource position of the Department.

(d): The details of funds released and utilised by States, State-wise under Centrally Sponsored Schemes during the last three years are given at Annexure-II.

Annexure-I 1 of 8

Salient Features of Centrally Sponsored Schemes under implementation by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation

1. Macro Management of Agriculture `Supplementation/Complementation of States` Efforts through Work Plan`

Objective :

Salient features : Macro Management scheme will aim at all round development in agriculture through Work Plans prepared by States. These include

?	Reflection of local needs/crop/regions specific/ priorities etc.
?	Providing flexibility and autonomy to States;
?	Optimum utilization of scarce financial resource;
?	maximisation of returns;
?	removal of regional imbalances.

It has been decided to move away from schematic approach to Macro management mode by integrating 27 Centrally Sponsored Schemes (a list is annexed). The previous pattern of rigid uniformly structured Centrally Sponsored Schemes, permitting little or no flexibility, which resulted in large unutilised balances with states has been dispensed with. Integration of Centrally Sponsored Schemes under Macro management approach will enhance the productivity of support programmes and accord greater flexibility to State Governments to develop and pursue activities on the basis of regional priorities. It is, thus, a major step towards achieving decentralization in pursuance of restoring primacy of States in agricultural development planning. The Central Government will supplement/complement the State Governments` efforts through regionally differentiated Work Plans comprising crop/ area/target group specific interventions, formulated in an interactive mode and implemented in spirit of partnership with the States. Pattern of assistance :

The outlay of the Work Plan would be shared by the Centre and the States in the ratio of 90:10. In the case of North-Eastern States, however, the entire expenditure will be borne by the Government of India. Central assistance for Work Plans will be in the ratio of 80 by grants and 20% by loans.

1.	Assistance to Coop. Weaker Section.

2. Assistance to Women Cooperatives

3. Non-overdue Cover Scheme

4. Agri. Credit Stabilisation Fund

5. Special Scheme for SC/ST 6. Integrated Cereal Development Programmes in Rice Based Cropping system Areas

7 Integrated Cereal Development Programmes in Wheat Based Cropping System Areas.

8. Integrated Cereal Development Programmes in Coarse Cereals Based Cropping System Areas.

9. Special Jute Development Programme 10. Sustainable Development of Sugarcane Based Cropping System Areas 11. Balanced & Integrated Use of Fertilizer 12. Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization among Small Farmers 13. Integrated Development of Tropical, Arid & Temperate Zone Fruits 14. Production and Supply of Vegetable Seeds. 15. Development of Commercial Floriculture 16. Development of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 17. Development of Roots & Tuber Crops 18. Development of Cocoa & Cashew 19. Integrated Programmed for Development of Spices 20. Development of Mushroom 21. Use of Plastics in Agriculture 22. Bee-keeping 23. National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas 24. Schemes for Foundation & Certified Seed Production of Vegetable Crops. 25. Soil Conservation in Catchments of River Valley Projects & Flood Prone Rivers 26. Reclamation & Development of Alkali Soils 27. State Land Use Boards.

Annexure-I 3 of 8

2. Intensive Cotton Development Programme (ICDP) under Mini-Mission- II of Technology Mission on Cotton.

Objectives : To enhance the production, per unit area through (a) technology transfer, (b) supply of quality seeds, (c) elevating IPM activities/ and (d) providing adequate and timely supply of inputs to the farmers .

Salient features : The components under the scheme include: (a) assistance for production of breeder, foundation and certified seed and distribution of certified seed;

(b) Field and Integrated Pest Management Demonstrations; (c) Training of farmers and Extension Workers; (d) Distribution of Plant Protection Equipments ; water saving devices; Bio-agents and pheromone traps. Assistance is also being provided for the establishment of bio-agents labs and seed delinting plants for adequate availability of bio-agents and quality delinting seed respectively.

Pattern of Assistance

75:25	Centre :State	Grant 100%	Loan: Nil

3. Oilseeds Production Programme (OPP)


Salient features:

The objective of the scheme is to increase the production of oilseeds in the country to achieve self-sufficiency.

The scheme envisages assistance to the States for following components:

(i) Seed related:- Production and purchase of Breeder seed, production of foundation and certified seed and distribution of certified seeds and minikits, crash programme for production of TL seed of soyabean & Groundnut.

(ii) Demonstration:- Frontline, Block and IPM Demonstration

(iii) Improved Method of irrigation:- Distribution of sprinklers.

(iv) Distribution of improved farm implements and plant protection equipment including power drawn implements.

(v) Distribution of Rhizobium cultures, Nutrients and Micro-nutrients, seed treatment chemical, weedicides, gypsum/pyrite, Root Grub Control.

(vi) Development of infrastructure:- Seed storage, threshing floor and irrigation at Government farms.

(vii) Training of Farmers. Pattern of assistance:

The scheme is being implemented on 75:25 basis as Central and State share respectively. In case of frontline demonstration, minikits distribution & breeder seed production, the assistance is given on 100% basis by Central Government.
Grants	:	100%	Loan	:	Nil

Annexure-I 4 of 8

4. Accelerated Maize Development Programme (AMDP)

Objective To increase maize production and productivity in the country from 10 million tonnes to 11.44 million tonnes and from 1.5 tonnes/hectare to 1.80 tonnes/hectare respectively upto the terminal year of 9th Plan i.e. 2001-2002 (revised).

Salient Features Main emphasis is being given for transfer of modern crop production technology through the following components;

(a) Components for which 100% Assistance is given by Central Govt.

?	Front line Demonstration by ICAR;
?	Training of Officers at National and State Level;
?	Production of certified seed of Maize;
?	Seed Minikit Demonstrations;
?	Conference/ Seminars/Workshops on Maize Development; and
?	Evaluation & Monitoring. 

(b) Components for which 75% assistance is given by Central Govt. & 25% by State Govt.

?	Field Demonstrations on improved crop production technology and Integrated	Pest Management IPM);
?	Training of farmers on crop production technology;
?	Incentives for use of certified seeds of hybrids/improved varieties (deleted	since 2001-2001 as desired by Planning Commission);
?	Incentives for use of improved implements;
?	Publicity through electronic media; and
?	Contingencies for POL.

The programme (AMDP) is in implementation in all maize potential districts of 26 states viz; Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, J&K, M.P, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan, Punjab, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh & West Bengal. Pattern of Assistance

100% by GOI for National level components and 75:25 basis between GOI and State Governments for State level components.
Grant	:	100%	Loan	:	Nil

Annexure-I 5 of 8

5. National Pulses Development Project (NPDP)


Salient features:

The objective of the scheme is to increase the production of pulses in the country to achieve self sufficiency.

The scheme envisages assistance to the States for following components:

(i) Seed related:- Purchase of Breeder seed, production of foundation and certified seed, distribution of certified seeds & minikits and crash programme for production of.