(a) whether cases of human trafficking are rampant from across the borders;

(b) if so, the details of such cases reported during each of the last three years and current year, border-wise; and

(c) the measures taken by the Government to check such activities at the border?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Border Security Force (BSF) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) have been mandated to guard various borders of the country. Whereas Border Security Force has been deployed to guard Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Pakistan borders, Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has been deployed to guard Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan borders. As per input provided by the Border Security Force, the details of foreigners apprehended without valid documents on Indo-Pak borders and Indo-Bangladesh borders are given below:

Year	Indo-Pak borders	Indo-Bangladesh	Total	Borders
2010	81	980	1061
2011	105	467	572
2012	183	1885	2068
2013 (upto	60	548	608
Total	429	3880	4309
As per inputs provided by Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), the details of cases reported from Indo-Nepal and Indo-Bhutan borders are given below:

Indo-Nepal Border
Year	Cases	Traffickers arrested	Victims rescued
2010	02	02	06
2011	-	-	-
2012	04	02	51
2013	05	12	60
Indo-Bhutan Border

There are no reports suggesting human trafficking from Bhutan to India or vice-versa.

(c) : Measures implemented by BSF to contain illegal crossing from across the borders inter-alia include effective domination/surveillance of the border by carrying out round the clock patrolling, laying nakas; identification of Border Out Posts (BOPs) vulnerable to Human Trafficking; sharing of list of touts with counterpart; maintaining record of villagers residing in border areas at BOPs; frequent meetings with village pradhans, Panchayat members and villagers; erection of fencing on the International Border; installation of floodlight along the border and introduction of force multipliers and Hi-tech Surveillance equipment.

Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has established 450 Border Out Posts (BOPs) on Indo-Nepal Border (INB) and 132 BOPs on the Indo-Bhutan Border (IBB). The border is dominated by regular patrolling, nakas and random checking of persons crossing over to India besides launching operations on specific intelligence inputs in co-ordination with other agencies of the State Governments and Central Government. In addition to this, the intelligence set-up is regularly sensitized to keep close watch on the movement of suspected human traffickers.