Question : Target for Smart Cities

Will the Minister of HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS be pleased to state:

(a) the number of cities that are targeted for development as “Smart Cities” during the period 2014-2018;

(b) the estimated cost and funds allocated for the “Smart Cities” project; and

(c) the percentage of the target achieved during the said period with respect to development of smart cities?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (c) : 100 smart cities have been selected for development as Smart cities in four rounds as follows:
• 20 Smart Cities in Round 1 in January 2016
• 13 Smart Cities in Fast Track Round 2 in May 2016
• 27 Smart Cities in Round 2 in September 2016.
• 30 Smart Cities in Round 3 in June 2017 and
• 10 Smart Cities in Round 4 (9 in January 2018 and 1 in June 2018)

A total of 5,151 projects at an estimated cost of Rs. 2,05,018 crores have been included by the 100 cities in their Smart City Proposals. As per Smart Cities Mission Statement and Guidelines, the Central Government proposes to give financial support to the extent of Rs. 48,000 crores over the Mission period or 23% of the estimated cost of projects. An equal amount, on a matching basis, is to be provided by the State/Urban Local Body (ULB). Apart from these, around Rs. 42,028 crores (21%) is expected from convergence with other Missions, Rs. 41,022 crores (20%) from Public Private Partnerships (PPPs), around Rs. 9,843 crores (5%) from loans, and remaining from other sources.

The implementation of the Smart Cities Mission is being done by a city level Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV). All the 100 selected Smart cities have formed their Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and appointed Project Management Consultants (PMCs). As on January 25, 2019, 2,748 projects worth Rs. 1,04,964 crore have been tendered, of which 2,032 projects worth Rs. 62,295 crore are under implementation/have been completed.

The timeline for completion of projects by cities is five years from the date of their selection as Smart cities.


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