Question : Skill Development Programme for Artisans

a) whether the National Center for Design and Product Development (NCDPD) and Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) have initiated capacity/skill development programme for artisans spread across 30 clusters in the country, if so, details thereof;

b) the details of funds allocated and the number of beneficiaries selected under the scheme, State/UT –wise including Jharkhand; and

c) the steps being taken by the Government towards human resource development in textile sector in the country?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): A total of 625 Skill Development Programmes (Technical Training & Soft Skill Programme) amounting to Rs. 775.48 Lakhs have been conducted by National Centre for Design and Product Development (NCDPD) & Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) under Human Resource Development Scheme of office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) for artisans across the country in last 5 years.The details of the programmes sanctioned, funds allocated and the number of beneficiaries State/ UT- wise across the country is annexed at Annexure I.
Further, Jharkhand has been sanctioned a special project namely “ Integrated Development and Promotion of Handicrafts” for the overall development of handicrafts sector in the state during the year 2014-15 with the project cost of Rs. 30 Cr. The details of the project is annexed at Annexure II.

(c): The Government of India, Ministry of Textile has launched Scheme for Capacity Building in Textile Sector (SCBTS) and named it SAMARTH scheme. SAMARTH is a flagship skill development scheme to provide demand-driven, placement oriented skilling programme to incentivize of the scheme to promote skilling and skill up-gradation in the traditional sectors through respective sectoral divisions/organizations of Ministry of Textiles; and to provide livelihood to all sections of the society across the country. The scheme targets to train 10 Lakh persons over a period of 3 years with an estimated budget of 1300 Cr. and with the participation of Textile industry, institutions/organizations of the Ministry of Textile/State Government.

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