(a)(the details of the construction workers welfare fund collected during the last three years and the current year, Stat«t-wl:se;

(b)whether only a fraction/small part of the said amount is being utiilised wheKeas erores of rupees remains unusedl;

(c)if no, the reasons therefor along with the reaction of tine Government thereto;

(d)ilf not, the details of utilisation of the said hinds during the said period; and (ejlthe corrective steps taken by `the Government In this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a& (b): Year-wise di;tails of the cess collected and spent under the Building and Other Construction Workers

(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 19U6 and the Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act, 1996 is not maintained at Central level. However, as per the information available, the state-whte detail of the fund collected and spent is as under:

As on 30.09.2013
SI. No.	Name of the State/UTs	Amount of cess	Amount spent	collected	(In Crores )	(In Crores )
1	Andhra Pradesh	993.94	73.42
2	Aruuachal Pradesh	22.96	4.56
3	Assam	205.09	1.82
4	Bihar	254.5	16.63
5	Chhattisgarh	222.18	125.38
6	Goa	14.88	0
7	Gujarat	190.22	0.41
8	Haryana	803.14	17.44
9	Himachal Pradesh	51.22	0
10	J & K	0	0
11	Jharldiand	21.09	0.11
12	Karnataka	1741.13	30.87
13	Kerala	808.82	728.84
14	Madnya Pradesh	993.67	312.83
15	Maharashtra	1303.55	3.8
16	Manipur	0	0
17	Meghalaya	1:3.82	0.05
18	Mizoram	0	0
19	Nagaland	3.49	O.05
20	Odisha	312.32	0.34
21	Punjab	397.11	6.84
22	Rajasthan	286.95	5.33
23	Sikkim	13.64	2.44
24	Tamil Nadu	604.31	277.95
25	Tripura	48.97	0.79
26	Uttar Pradesh	739.81	6.72
27	Uttarakhand	33.9	0.15
28	West Bengal	290.62	4.59
29	Delhi	1233.57	108.91
30	A & N Island	17.61	0.2
31	Chandiigarh	31.88	1.07
32	Dadra & Nagar Haveli	3.08	0
33	Daman and Diu	0.73	0
34	Lakshadweep	0.49	0
35	Pudueherry	20.65	4.62	Total	11599.34	1736.15

(c) to (e): The responsibility of coiiectiing cess and its utilization for welfare activities lies with the respective State Governments and State Building and Other Construction Worker;; Welfcire Boards. The Union Government has been issuing instructions to the States fur speedy and proper implementation of `the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation (if Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 195(6 and 1the Building and Other Construction Woirkers` Welfare Cess Act, 1996 from time to time at appropriate levels. Instructions were issued under section 60 of the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions; of Service) Act, 1996 by the Ministiry of Labour & Employment on 27.09.2010 and 12.07.2013. Union Minister of Labour & Employment has also written to the Chief Ministers of the States/UTs in April, 2010 and on 5 June, 2012 requesting them to take steps; for collecting and utiiizin;] cess and implementing the Acts.

Union Secretary (Labour & Employment) has also written to Chief Sieciretaries; of the States/UTs on 29th June, 2012 suggesting, inter-alia, to take steps for accelerating registration of workers, drawing out strategies for implementing model schemes of the Centra! government and utilizing welfare funds for vocational training and skiilll development: of the construction workers and their children.

Union Secretary (Labour & Employment) held a meeting with the labour Secretaries of the State Ciovemments on 7th November, 2013 to discuss, inter-alia, the issues pertaining to the building and other construction workers. Pursuant to this meeting, a Working Croup was constituted on 25th November, 2O`I3 to examine the issues relating to utilization of the cess and welfare matters of these workers. Subsequently, a review meeting was also convened by the Union Secretary (Labour & Employimerit) on 30`` Janmary, 2014.